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On 4/12/16 2:30 PM, Josep M Beleta wrote:
> I need some help with a problem we have running Tomcat 8, with Java
> 8 on a Windows 2008 R2 Standard with Service Pack 1 running as a
> virtual machine on top of ESXi, 5.1.0. The virtual machine has 16
> GB of memory and 4 CPUs. The physical host computer has lots of
> memory and is not stressed at all.
> One week ago our Tomcats, we have two, began to use high CPU. When
> the problem started we had no made any change we can remember in
> the preceding week, and no Windows update was installed.
> We use two Tomcats, one of them with some in-house applications
> the other one with Jira. Both began to shows the same symptoms
> roughly at the same time.
> The Jira Tomcat version is 8.0.17 and runs with  Java 1.8.0_51 64
> Bit, the other Tomcat is 8.0.33 and runs over Java 1.8.0_77 64 Bit.
> These are the facts we can summarize:
> 1. Now we run only the Tomcat for our in-house applications.We
> stopped the Jira one. 2. We run it as a service. 3. Every time, two
> hours after launching the Tomcat service, the CPU use jumps to
> 70-75% and some time after (one hour more) it reaches 100 %. More
> threads are allocated using lots of CPU. The final result is our
> entire system being degraded as time goes on. 4. The problems has
> nothing to do with our applications. We undeployed them with the
> same result.

So if you start Tomcat with no applications deployed and make no
requests, Tomcat starts taking 75% of the CPU after 2 hours?

Mark is right: we need to see those thread dumps. It looks like your
second attempt also didn't work. Please try to re-attach them as plain
text files.

- -chris
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