Hi list

I have a question regarding the servlet-mapping property in web.xml. Normally a 
url would look like this:


As many others I have tried to setup my servlet so that it matches the 


I’m trying to obtain this by using the following url-mapping:


I have read the answers on these two links:


It’s still not clear to me why this doesn’t work (using Tomcat 7.0)

I’ve have turned on Jersey tracing and this is what I get (on a url like this 

X-Jersey-Tracing-004:MATCH       [ ---- /  1,00 ms |  ---- %] Matching path [/]

What’s puzzling to me is that it seems that for some reason my path gets 
stripped away before reaching the servlet. I would have expected something like 
this instead:

X-Jersey-Tracing-004:MATCH       [ ---- / 19,39 ms |  ---- %] Matching path 

Is it so in Tomcat, that when you use the url-pattern “/“ that the rest of path 
is ignored when interpreting the original url? Is it different using other 

Could be related to this:


With regards,
Rune Stilling

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