On 12 April 2016 at 19:26, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 12/04/2016 19:11, Lyallex wrote:
>> On 12 April 2016 at 18:06, Lyallex <lyal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> apache-tomcat-7.0.42 as standalone web server
>>> jdk1.7.0_45
>>> Ubuntu 12.10
>>> Greetings
>>> I'm sure this is an old chestnut but it's got me stumped
>>> I just purchased and installed my first ever ssl certificate
>>> I had it installed and apparently running in no time. I should of
>>> course have been suspicious that it all went so smoothly
>>> but I though it was about time I got a break ... no such luck.
>>> Clicking the padlock in chrome I get
>>> Your connection to is encrypted using an obsolete cipher suit.
>>> The connection uses TLS 1.2.
>>> The connection is encrypted using AES_128_CBC with HMAC-SHA1 for
>>> message authentication and ECDHE_RSA as the key exchange mechanism.
>> jdk1.8.0.77 fixed it
>> Should have know it was a Java (as opposed to Tomcat) problem
>> as you were
> As of the next Tomcat 7 release, the SSL defaults have been improved so
> a default configuration should not report any issues.
> Mark

Now I'm confused, I thought Tomcat relied on the JSSE implementation
in whatever version of Java that was used to start Tomcat
to provide it's cipher suits. If this is correct how will a different
version of Tomcat make a difference given that it's started with the
same version of Java. If it's incorrect please forgive my boundlesss
ignorance and stupidity.


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