Dear tomcat Community

I am using cross context (which seems to be easy to configure but in in tomcat 
8 hard to run) … so today I downloaded tomcat 9 and I migrated my apps to it.
In tomcat 9 cross context is running smoothly (thank you!)

To authenticate my config is using JDBCRealm with a mysql database. The config 
below ran very well with tomcat 8 but on tomcat 9 accepted only the password 
digests (which are stored in the table tomcat_users) directly instead of the 
usual passwords. It seems that the digest algorithm MD5 be here not executed.

The config in server.xml is

      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" 
connectionName=“..." connectionPassword=“..." 
connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://" digest="MD5" 
driverName="" roleNameCol="role_name" 
userCredCol="password" userNameCol="user_name" 
userRoleTable="tomcat_users_roles" userTable="tomcat_users"/>

The authentication method is FORM for an application and DIGEST for the 
corresponding API. Both apps sees each other in a cross context.
web.xml of the application contains:


What shell I do in order to have with the FORM authentication again a digest 
password input? Do I have any possibility to debug it (although I should not…) ?

Thank you in advance

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