I have an Apache web server(2.4.6) which is accessible at http or https at 
DNS_hostname, and a Tomcat server (9.0.0.M1)with an application available at 
I then disabled the non-SSL HTTP/1.1 connector on port 8080 and enabled HTTP/2 
in the Tomcat server.xml, using the certificate key file and certificate where 
generated using the openssl (1.0.2g) commands and used on the Apache web server.
The Apache ssl.conf file is set to listen on port 8443 for https, and the only 
virtual host is set for IP_address:8443 and servername set to DNS_hostname
In the file /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties, worker.worker1.host is set to 
DNS_hostname and worker.worker1.port is set to 8443.
Netstat -tamp shows httpd listening on port 8443 and java listening on port 
Are these settings proper and correct?
What should the URL look like in order to access the Tomcat application via 
Any help and/or guidance would most appreciated.


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