Hi we have purchased a java private hosting with some service provider and
we have hosted some simple spring app with few database operations. the
heap space we got is 64mb. some times it used to get stoped so when we ask
the service provider he said we have to increase the heap space and we have
increased it to 128 mb and now the service provider says my app is taking
nearly 350 mb heap space. I am not sure what is going. does a simple spring
app takes more than 100mb. i have checked my app on tomcat 7 (on my
laptop)and it does not take much than 80mb. I have checked with jvisualvm
that comes with jdk.

can u provide some help on this.

*Thanks and Regards,*
Muralidhar Yaragalla.

*http://yaragalla.blogspot.in/ <http://yaragalla.blogspot.in/>*

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