Thank you for your quick reply.
So consider a case where client abruptly loses internet connection.
In that scenario, the sendText() would return normally as the server
hasn't received 'close' packet from the client, did I get it right?

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> On 12/05/2016 06:16, Tejas Nandanikar wrote:
>> I am using Apache Tomcat 8.0.33.
>> I was going through Java documentation about RemoteEndpoint.Basic
>> which says that sendText(String text) blocks until all of the message
>> has been transmitted.
>> But I noticed that when the client loses internet connection and
>> sendText() method is called on the server side, it doesn't thrown an
>> IOException immediately and the method returns normally.
>> IOException is thrown later and the onError() method is called. Is
>> this a normal behaviour?
> Yes.
>> Shouldn't the sendText() method block until
>> all the message has been transmitted successfully or throw an
>> IOException immediately if there's any problem?
> Only if the server knows there is a problem at that point. Depending on
> how the client disconnects, there server might not know and the message
> will sit in the network buffer until the network stack figures out that
> the client has gone away.
> Mark
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