
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> All,
> I'm upgrading a client's system from Tomcat 7 to Tomcat 8 as part of a
> new release of our software. I've got Tomcat 8 installed using the
> 32-bit ZIP file, and the Windows Services have been re-created from
> scratch using tomcat8w.exe. They are running 64-bit Windows but a
> 32-bit JVM.

I just tried the following.

Windows 7 64 bit OS
x86 jdk1.8.0.92
I ran service.bat for Tomcat 8.0.33 32 bit.  (Tomcat 32 bit, jvm 32 bit)
No problems starting the service.

Windows 7 64 bit OS
x86 jdk1.8.0.92
I ran service.bat for Tomcat 8.0.33 64 bit. (Tomcat 64 bit, jvm 32 bit)
Incorrect Function in event viewer when trying to start the service.

> When I try to launch the service, I get an error "Incorrect function"
> in the event log, and the service does not start.

And I'm reading your statement above which says your environment is 32 bit
for both Tomcat 8 and the jvm.  Interesting.

I've never installed windows services using the Tomcat8w.exe directly on
the command line.  I've always used the service.bat, but I take all the
defaults in service.bat.

And off-topic speaking of defaults, in service.bat, why aren't these values
the same?
    --JvmMs 128
    --JvmMx 256

> I can launch Tomcat
> from the command-line successfully, so this is not a problem with
> Tomcat per se, nor my application. It's got to be a problem with my
> configuration of the Windows Service.
> I'm tempted to tell them "Install a 64-bit JVM" and use the 64-bit
> service-runner, but I'd prefer to get it working before I tell them
> they have to change everything ;)
> Any suggestions for what to look for?
> Thanks,
> - -chris

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