
Currently I am migrating my existing tomcat6.0.x to tomcat8.0.33 version.

1)      I have deployed four web applications inside webapps folder, all these 
4 web applications use the few common jars which I was (in tomcat6.0.x) setting 
as classpath variable in setclasspath.bat as below
                rem Adding classpath to existing path.
                set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%PROJECT_CP%

                %PROJECT_CP% is set by the list of project jars. This way of 
setting classpath is not working in tomcat8.0.33.  Is it still valid way of 
setting the classpath in tomcat8.0.x?

2)      Some unknown reason when I start tomcat8.0.x server by running 

Its unable to load the default tomcat jars from <catalina_home>\lib\  folder

Do we have any limitation in tomcat8.0.33 version?

In both 1) and 2) cases if I have copy all the required jars to primary roo 
class loader <jre8>\ext\lib folder, then it is loading all the jars as 
expected. The way of loading through the jre folder is not good practice in my 
project to separate the jars.

Could you please help why default tomcat jars not loading and classpath is not 
working in tomcat8.0.33 version?

Many Thanks in advance.

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