On 25/05/2016 16:12, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 5/24/16 10:06 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> TL;DR If you use remote JMX, you need to update your JVM to address
>> CVE-2016-3427
>> For the longer version, see the blog post I just published on
>> this: http://engineering.pivotal.io/post/java-deserialization-jmx/
> Okay, I give up: what version of Java 8 actually has this patch?

8u91 onwards.

If you want the fix in an early Java version then you'll need to be
paying Oracle $$$ for extended Java support

> Oracle's site gives me the runaround and tells me that it's been patched
> in April, but I have no idea what version of Java was published in
> April, and Oracle's site seems very reticent to tell me :(
> The CVEs have virtuall no information other than "something bad exists
> in some versions of some stuff, and you should upgrade". Upgrade to what
> ?

At least you can derive that form public information. What annoys me far
more is that Oracle provide next to no detail with their CVE
announcements so it is impossible for a user to determine if the issue
affects them or not.

For example, this issue only applies if you are using JMX/RMI. If you
are, it is likely to be a significant risk. If you aren't, it won't
affect you. One of the reasons I published that blog post was to provide
folks with the information they need to figure out whether this affects
them or not.


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