thanks for help - but, are you really sure?

if i

- set development=false
- delete everything within work subdir to force recompile of every jsp

then for me, the initial crawl makes jvm consume the same amount of memory 
regardless development true or false - and thats what i'm wondering about. 

indeed, with development=false, subsequent jsp access does not consume memory 
as there is no recompile.

this is why this param helps workarounding the problem, but it does not make 
the memory consumption of the initial compile run go away and i`m curious, why 
the initial compile run permanently leaves millions of referenced objects in 

is this to be expected?


Am 03.06.2016, 21:43, Mark Thomas <> schrieb:
On 03/06/2016 17:14, wrote:

You are NOT observing a memory leak.


> Regardless we have set "development" to true or false in
> conf/web.xml, , whenever i recursively crawl our website with wget
> (cleaning work dir before to make sure each page is being compiled
> again), i can easily trigger an out-of-memory condition in the JVM.
> When development=false, then i cannot trigger it when i did
> re-compile every jsp in several steps (with restarting tomcat).

You are not correctly configuring development to false. I have confirmed
the expected behaviour with a profiler when development is set to false.

> With VisualVM (part of jdk) i found that after wget -r crawl, there
> are 13 million instances of the following classes:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Mark
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.Node$TemplateText

That will only happen if development is true.

> My understanding from a compile run is, that it`s something which is
> done once and then it`s ready and done and nothing is left in
> memory.

That is not the case when development is false. The results of the
parsing are retaining in memory to aid the generation of useful error

> We have some ten-thousands JSPs, i`m not sure how many being crawled
> with wget, but i don`t get the point why i see ressources being
> allocated from org.apache.jasper.compiler and not being freed after
> compile run.
> Does anybody have a clue ? Is this to be expected, and if yes - why
> ?


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