Am Mittwoch, den 01.06.2016, 09:29 -0400 schrieb Christopher Schultz:
> Thomas,
> On 6/1/16 7:15 AM, Thomas Meyer wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How do I get a custom mapping set in 
> > ContextConfig.setCustomAuthenticators? ( 
> >
> > art
> up/ContextConfig.html#setCustomAuthenticators(java.util.Map)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> )
> > 
> > 
> > I want to add a custom mapping for lets say BEARER to a my
> > Authenticator. I searched the source code but nobody seems to call
> > this method. So how and where should this map be configured?
> Do you mean that you want to replace FORM or CLIENT-CERT in web.xml
> with BEARER and have it use your authenticator?
> Would you be okay if you just ignored the <auth-method> and installed
> your own authenticator? Because you can do that just by registering
> your CustomAuthenticatorValve in your valve chain for your
> application.


I came up with this solution:

1.) use custom host implementation

in conf/server.xml in <Host> add
className="de.m3y3r.catalina.core.CustomStandardHost" attribute

2.) webapp's web.xml - add login-config


Apply security-constraint as usual. use role "**" if you just want

3.) in webapp's context.xml define a suitable realm

<Realm className="de.m3y3r.catalina.realm.OAuthIntrospectionRealm"

Code is here:

Feedback is welcome.

with kind regard

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