The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 8.5.3.

This is the first stable release of the 8.5.x branch. Tomcat 8.x users
should now use 8.5.x releases in preference to 8.0.x releases.

Apache Tomcat 8 is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language, Java
WebSocket and Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for
Containers technologies.

Apache Tomcat 8.5.x is intended to replace 8.0.x and includes new
features pulled forward from the 9.0.x branch. The notable changes since
8.5.2 include:

- Ensure error will not be thrown during deployment when scanning jar
  files with no or invalid MANIFEST.MF files.

- Improvements to memory leak detection and prevention

- The HTTP Server header is no longer set by default

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and 8.0.x:


- The Apache Tomcat team

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