On 29/06/2016 05:12, Terence M. Bandoian wrote:
> On 6/28/2016 3:56 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 27/06/2016 22:35, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> On 6/27/2016 1:07 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>> On 27/06/2016 17:44, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>>>> I'm assuming that context.lookup(...) simply locates the "jdbc/myDB"
>>>>> <Resource> tag in the context.xml file, pulls all of the parms out of
>>>>> that tag, creates a DataSource object utilizing the parms, and returns
>>>>> it.    If that's the case, couldn't I create a variation/subclass
>>>>> of the
>>>>> Context object that modifies the url parm that it found in the
>>>>> resource
>>>>> tag and puts the desired db name into the url before constructing the
>>>>> DataSource?
>>>> Sure.
>>>> You need to implement the appropriate factory and then specify your
>>>> factory class explicitly in the Resource element using the factory
>>>> attribute.
>>>> You probably want to start here for ideas on how to code up your
>>>> factory:
>>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/factory/
>>>> or for a more specific example:
>>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/dbcp/dbcp2/BasicDataSourceFactory.java?view=annotate
>>>> Mark
>>> Thanks so much.  This looks doable.  Just to make sure I have the big
>>> picture correct....
>>> 1) I will define a new custom resource that returns a custom context
>>> object that I write.
>>> 2) On the <Resource> tag for my custom context resource I can put all of
>>> the standard DataSource parms
>>> 3) I then call lookup() on this custom context passing the dbName in
>>> 4) This custom context will build an appropriate Reference object with
>>> all the parms, instantiate a BasicDataSourceFactory, and call
>>> getInstance(.....) on the factory.
>>> When I need an instance of the datasource:
>>>           Context initContext = new InitialContext();
>>>           Context envContext  =
>>> (Context)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
>>>           MyDataSourceContext dsContext = (MyDataSourceContext)
>>> envContext.lookup( "dsContext/myDSContext" );
>>>           DataSource myDS = (DataSource) dsContext.getInstance(
>>> "dbName" );
>>> Am I getting close?
>> Yes, but I don't think you want to use custom NamingContexts. I think
>> there is a simpler way.
>> 1. Write a custom DataSource factory that provides a getDataSource(...)
>> method that allows you to pass in whatever per instance config you need.
>> This DataSource factory will need to use bean style setters (like the
>> example I linked to) to pick up the other config from the <Resource .../>
>> 2. Write a custom resource factory that returns an instance of your
>> DataSource factory.
>> 3. Add a context Resource element for your DataSource factory,
>> remembering to use the factory element and specify the custom resource
>> factory from 2.
>> HTH,
>> Mark
> If external configuration were not required, would there be a problem
> instantiating a DataSource directly and setting any required properties
> programmatically?  Would any functionality be lost?

The option of a global resource shared between multiple web apps is lost.

You'd need a mechanism (a statics would work) to store and retrieve the

> Also, if there were base properties set in a <Resource> element, would
> there be a problem using a copy of the properties from that data source,
> modified as necessary, to instantiate a new DataSource?

No, but you'd need to be careful since multiple requests for the same
DataSource should return the same object. You'd need to be able to
differentiate between a request for a new DataSourece and a previously
created one.


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