Hello Christopher,

Did you or anyone have a gauge on how we might fix this?

Thank you!

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 8:04 PM, uzair rashid <uzairrashi...@gmail.com>

> Hello Chris,
> We are using Tomcat version:
> JRE 1.6.0
> Do you think I need to change the settings to the following:
> <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
>     <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>         maxThreads="150"
>         SSLEnabled="true"
>         minSpareThreads="25"
>         enableLookups="false"
>         disableUploadTimeout="true"
>         acceptCount="100"
>         scheme="https"
>         secure="true"
>         clientAuth="false"
>         SSLProtocol="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
>         keystorePass="password"
>         keystoreFile="/otex/tomcat/.keystore"/>
>     <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 443   -->
>     <Connector port="443" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>         maxThreads="150"
>         SSLEnabled="true"
>         minSpareThreads="25"
>         enableLookups="false"
>         disableUploadTimeout="true"
>         acceptCount="100"
>         scheme="https"
>         secure="true"
>         clientAuth="false"
>         SSLProtocol="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
>         keystorePass="password"
>       keystoreFile="/otex/tomcat/.keystore"/>
> Really look forward to your expertise on this.
> Thank you
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 7:07 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Uzair,
>> On 7/14/16 10:12 AM, uzair rashid wrote:
>> > Running Tomcat 6.x
>> Which one exactly?
>> > and every week during vulnerability scans we are having the
>> > following results:
>> >
>> > Vulnerability References:
>> >
>> > SSL/TLS Server Factoring RSA Export Keys (FREAK) vulnerability
>> >
>> > Impact: Exploitation allows an attacker to bypass security
>> > restrictions on the targeted host.     Solution: Disable RSA_EXPORT
>> > cipher suites. Do not use temporary RSA key multiple times
>> > Result: #table cols=2 Public key source key size Public key in
>> > certificate 2048(bits) Temporary RSA key 512(bits)
>> >
>> > [snip]
>> >
>> > <!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
>> > <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" maxThreads="150"
>> > SSLEnabled="true" minSpareThreads="25" enableLookups="false"
>> > disableUploadTimeout="true" acceptCount="100" scheme="https"
>> > secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
>> > sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
>> >
>> >
>> SSLCipherSuite="!EXPORT"
>> Are you using tcnative+APR+OpenSSL or JSSE? "ciphers" is for JSSE and
>> SSLCipherSuite is for tcnative+APR+OpenSSL. Either case you should be
>> good.
>> What version of Java are you using?
>> - -chris
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