On 7/22/2016 4:49 AM, André Warnier (tomcat) wrote:
> On 22.07.2016 09:18, Jäkel, Guido wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 5:51 PM
>>> To: Tomcat Users List
>>> Subject: Re: No binary distribution for mod_jk?
>>> Hash: SHA256
>>> Paul,
>>> On 7/20/16 12:12 PM, Paul Roubekas wrote:
>>>> I am trying to install the mod_jk on httpd for my tomcat 7.0.68
>>>> (TomEE) server.
>>>> I am reading this
>>>> https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html
>>> documentation which points to this
>>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi download page.
>>>> But there is no binary download for *unix, just source?
>>> That's right: the ASF provides source, not binaries (in general). You
>>> will have to build mod_jk yourself on *NIX. The good news is that it's
>>> fairly easy to build yourself.
>>> - -chris
>> ... but I expect that every serious Linux binary distribution will
>> alson with other additional Apache modules provide it in it's
>> software repository, or is this wrong? As an user of Gentoo I have no
>> experience with this.
> At least some (even commercial) Linux distributions have not provided
> mod_jk (at least in the past), and have provided mod_proxy_ajp instead.
> That is always a choice of whoever creates the distribution packages.
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Just as a recap.  I have one Fedora 23 server that I need to have three
application running on.  Namely TomEE (tomcat 7), Bugzilla and phpBB
(forum software).
Below are the changes I made to httpd.conf for Tomcat to get the http
traffic.  Have not made configurations for phpBB (www.myDomain.com\bb)
or Bugzilla (www.myDomain.com\tt).

<Proxy "*">
  Require ip

ProxyPass         /  http://localhost:8080/MyApp
ProxyPassReverse  /  http://localhost:8080/MyApp

server.xml is back to the default ports of 8080 and 8443.


My tests show these setting to be wrong and/or insufficient.


The first test fail with a permission error on the browser.
I removed the
<Proxy "*">
  Require ip
XML stanza and then got a Service Unavailable error.


I then tried changing the ServerName configuration.


#ServerName www.example.com:80





There is clearly something else mod_jk would have done for me that this
manual configuration is not doing.  Help please!

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