Terry Orechia wrote:

Is it possible to import a large file greater than 3 gigabytes to a tomcat web server? I am running tomcat 4.1 on debian with Tomcat/Apache JK2 Connector . I upload a file using multipart/form data on http Post request to servlet. I have successfully uploaded a file that was just under 2 gb, but am getting "page cannot be displayed" error when I try to upload a file which is 3.1gb. Is there a limit of 2gb on the size of a POST message in apache2? There is a parameter LimitRequestBody that can be configured in conf.http in apache2 to limit the size of the post message. The value of this parameter can be any number from 0 to 2gb. It is not configured so it is defaulting to 0 which is unlimited. Does "unlimited" mean their is a max size of 2gb? Is there a way to POST a messeg > 2gb so a file greater than 2gb can be uploaded from the desktop to the webserver?
I have searched on the web and still do not understand if this can be done?

Thanks for your input,
What is the file system on the server machine? Some filesystems have a limit of 2GB for a single file.


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