Dear All,

Our System Architecture is Apache WebServer-> Tomcat-> CMS System.
we stored all our files under /files in CMS and this folder is shared
FileSystem. So, WebServer also can access it.

Currently if any images has to load on the site then first Apache sending
request to Tomcat and Tomcat Communicate CMS to load the file from
specified folder. To avoiding delay, we want to load directly from

In Tomcat we added context for /files to point /opt/apps/shared/cms/files.
Similarly can create any context in WebServer to point some local directory?

For eg. if http://abc. com/files/xcxcxcxc/xcxcx/xcxcx then it has to be
load from WebServer's local directory (FileSystem). Kindly please let me on
this and sorry for my Bad English


*Thanks & Regards,*
*Jayaram Ponnusamy*

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