Sorry if this has been already asked.   I searched the archives and didn't find 
what I was looking for.

Has anyone else run into an issue with persistent cookies in Tomcat 8.5+ and IE 
not working?

We are seeing an issue where the new default cookie processor, 
org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor, is not writing out the 
expires tag for the cookies.  It is only writing out max-age in the 
generateHeader() method.  This is a change from the previous cookie processing.

Here's the current code:

There is documentation at which 
explains the new vs legacy cookie handler and that this behavior is 
intentional.  It doesn't explain that this behavior isn't limited to IE6-7.  It 
also affects IE8-11 and Edge and as a result, by default, Tomcat 8.5+ does not 
create persistent cookies that work with IE on any IE version.

Does it make sense that the shipping configuration would not work with IE for 
persistent cookies?

There are other gotchas like blank/null cookie values cause problems with the 
new default processor and a leading period in the cookie domain causes issues.  
We have fixed these issues across many applications, but weren't expecting 
issues with persistent cookies not working at all in IE.  The documentation on 
the Tomcat page alludes to IE6-7 having the issue.  It doesn't mention the 
other versions.

We are looking into short term solutions (while avoiding the legacy cookie 
processor ) - writing our own headers, creating a filter, ...

Another interesting observation is that the ExpiresFilter included with Tomcat 
still writes both the expires and max-age attributes.

Here's a page where you can see the issue of IE not reading the max-age 
attribute.  On Chrome, FF, and Safari, the test will complete after a few runs. 
 On IE, it runs indefinitely.

If I have missed some configuration, tested incorrectly, etc., please let me 

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