On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 5:15 AM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> William,
> On 11/23/16 3:56 PM, William Boyd wrote:
> > On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> > ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> >
> > William,
> >
> > On 11/16/16 1:06 PM, William Boyd wrote:
> >>>> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 2:17 PM,
> >>>> <john.e.gr...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I haven't been following this super closely, but it sounds
> >>>>> like there is a lot of trial and error going on so let me
> >>>>> try to explain how the key stores and trust stores are
> >>>>> used.
> >>>>
> >>>> Will: Ultimately I am trying to determine why a configuration
> >>>> that worked since Tomcat 5, stopped working in Tomcat 8.5.5
> >>>> so I can explain the issue to operations.  We used to be able
> >>>> to use the same keystore for both keystoreFile in the
> >>>> Connector and the javax.net.ssl.trustStore system property
> >>>> but that no longer works. The only variable is Tomcat.  This
> >>>> will affect many TEST and PROD sites.
> >>>>
> >>>>> The system properties affect things like outgoing
> >>>>> connections that use SSL, like https calls.
> >>>>> javax.net.ssl.trustStore would contain the certs for the
> >>>>> CAs that sign the backend server's cert.
> >>>>> javax.net.ssl.keyStore would come into play if the backend
> >>>>> uses mutual authentication/client authentication/2-way SSL.
> >>>>> If that's required by the backend, you would put your own
> >>>>> cert and private key in the key store.  I think you can
> >>>>> combine them all into one file, but usually they're kept
> >>>>> separate.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Will: Thanks, I think this explains our need for
> >>>> javax.net.ssl.trustStore. The system I'm supporting is using
> >>>> axis jaxrpc to communicate between WARs over HTTPS within
> >>>> Tomcat. These connections in axis must be the reason we
> >>>> require javax.net.ssl.trustStore.
> >
> > Exactly. I think one of the confusing things here has been the
> > confusion in my mind between exceptions you are getting on the
> > client and exceptions being thrown on the server (which, oddly
> > enough, is a client).
> >
> > In the absence of any specific Java-level calls to set the trust
> > store for a SOAP connection, Axis is going to use the system-wide
> > trust store which is in fact set using the javax.net.ssl.trustStore
> > system property.
> >
> > Nothing in Tomcat's configuration can set this for you.
> >
> > So why does the Tomcat upgrade seem to have broken something
> > that's been working? I can think of two possibilities:
> >
> > 1. The system property was set in CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh in
> > your old Tomcat installation, and nobody copied that file to the
> > new installation. Solution: use CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.sh instead
> > of CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh
> >
> > 2. The system property was set in
> > CATALINA_BASE/conf/catalina.properties in your old installation
> > and nobody copied that configuration to the new installation.
> > Solution: look at a diff between those two config files and fix the
> > differences as appropriate.
> >
> >>>>> The Tomcat connector parameters are for Tomcat's use when
> >>>>> serving https connections to clients.  I don't think they
> >>>>> have any impact on outgoing calls.  The key store would
> >>>>> contain Tomcat's cert and private key. Likewise the trust
> >>>>> store would contain the certs of the CA or CAs who sign
> >>>>> your client's certs if you have mutual auth enabled.  It
> >>>>> might also be required to form the chain linking the
> >>>>> server's cert to the CA.  In that case, though, I might be
> >>>>> inclined to putting the CA in the key store itself for
> >>>>> simplicity.  According to the docs, Tomcat will fall back
> >>>>> to the system properties if the connector doesn't
> >>>>> explicitly them.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Will: Sorry I'm confused by the last bit here. Using
> >>>> "keytool -genkeypair" I have a file containing a self-signed
> >>>> certificate yet I now need to export, than import that cert
> >>>> into a separate truststore in order for our servers to work.
> >>>> If this is to spec and Tomcat it tightening up the rules I
> >>>> could understand.
> >
> > I don't think anything really changed between Tomcat 8.5.4 and
> > 8.5.5... I think your configuration must have changed slightly.
> >
> > If you need a webapp in server A to contact server B using Axis,
> > then you'll need:
> >
> > serverA$ keytool -genkeypair -alias X -keystore serverA.jks
> > serverA$ keytool -exportcert -alias X -keystore serverA.jks \
> >> trusted.crt
> > serverA$ keytool -importcert -alias X -keystore truststore.jks \ <
> > trusted.crt
> >
> > Tell Tomcat on server A to use serverA.jks as its keystore. No
> > other configuration is required. Specifically, setting
> > trustStoreFile on the <Connector> accomplishes nothing.
> >
> > Tell the JVM on server B to use truststore.jks as the trust store,
> > using a system property if absolutely necessary.
> >
> > (I *really* don't like dong this, because it sets the trust store
> > for the whole JVM and everything it might need to trust. I much
> > prefer to explicitly-set the trust store for a particular
> > connection. That might require re-writing code which is expensive
> > and risky, but you are better-off in the long-run.)
> >
> > If you need a webapp in server B to contact server A using Axis,
> > thn you need to reverse the process above so that A trusts B's cert
> > and B trusts A's cert. If both servers are using the same cert,
> > then both servers only need to trust the single cert, of course.
> >
> >>>> Will: I’m guessing its AXIS that can’t find the CA in the
> >>>> trust store. Regarding IE, I can clarify, the error occurs in
> >>>> a servlet which returns the message to the browser.
> >
> > The way a client trust store works is that the client will make a
> > connection and obtain the certificate chain from the server. It
> > starts with the first certificate in the chain and, if it's
> > trusted, it will allow the connection to be established. If not, it
> > moves on to the next certificate in the chain until it either
> > trusts a certificate or runs out of certificates to check for
> > trust, at which point, it will fail to establish a connection.
> >
> > If Axis can't connect, check the trust store it's using against
> > the certificate(s) being presented by the server. If they don't
> > match, fix that (usually by re-building the trust store from the
> > certificate presented by the server). If they do match, something
> > weird is happening .
> >
> >>>> So I think I understand why I need javax.net.ssl.trustStore
> >>>> and keystoreFile configured to get our system working.  Thank
> >>>> you for making me walk through it in more detail.
> >
> > So, things are in fact working again?
> >
> >>>> The question remains why does Tomcat 8.5.5 no longer allow me
> >>>> to use a JKS file as a trustStore and raise the following
> >>>> exception at startup?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 16-Nov-2016 09:02:03.195 SEVERE [main]
> >>>> org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init
> >>>>
> >>>> Failed to initialize end point associated with
> >>>> ProtocolHandler ["https-openssl-nio-8001"]
> >>>>
> >>>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
> >>>> java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the
> >>>> trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
> >
> > Which configuration was this, specifically?
> >
> >>>> 2. adding truststoreFile="C:\keystore\myAlias.cer"
> >
> > This isn't a keystore, so the "Invalid keystore format" error you
> > got makes sense.
> >
> >>>> 3. adding truststoreFile="C:\keystore\keystore.jsk"
> >
> > This one? The error you are getting is probably because the
> > keystore itself contains a single entry which is a key/cert
> > combination and ... at this point we've reached the limit of my
> > knowledge of keystores (which pretty much ends with me saying "#$%&
> > IT!" and switching to a vanilla PEM-formatted certificate, etc.).
> >
> > By importing the certificate *only* into a separate keystore
> > (trust store!) puts it into a different format which is acceptable
> > to the Java API that is underlying everything, here.
> >
> > Why did this work before? I have absolutely no idea. I'm still
> > thinking that there is a subtle change in your configuration from
> > version to version (8.5.4 -> 8.5.5, right?), and that Tomcat's
> > code isn't involved.
> >
> > -chris
> >>
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> > Hi Christopher,
> >
> > Thanks again for your input.  Yes, I've managed to get it working
> > with a separate keystore and truststore file as you've suggested.
> >
> > Ok, sanity check.  I revisited this with unmodified
> > apache-tomcat-8.5.#-windows-x64.zip files downloaded from the
> > distribution site.
> >
> > In this case, all I did was unpack the ZIP content and change two
> > files; server.xml and setclasspath.bat.
> >
> > In each case I added this one line to the top of setclasspath.bat
> >
> > -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="C:\keys\keystore.jsk" In tomcat 8.5.4
> > and 8.5.5 > server.xml, I updated the default connector to this:
> >
> > <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
> > connectionTimeout="20000" keystoreFile="C:\keys\keystore.jsk"
> > keystorePass="changeit" keyAlias="tomcat" scheme="https"
> > secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" clientAuth="false" />
> >
> > In tomcat 8.5.8 > server.xml, I updated the default connector to
> > this:
> >
> > <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
> > connectionTimeout="20000" scheme="https" secure="true"
> > SSLEnabled="true"> <SSLHostConfig certificateVerification="none">
> > <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="C:\keys\keystore.jsk"
> > certificateKeystorePassword="changeit"
> > certificateKeyAlias="tomcat" type="RSA" /> </SSLHostConfig>
> > </Connector>
> >
> > On startup both tomcat 8.5.5 and 8.5.8 raise the error I've
> > describe above: "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the
> > trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty"
> >
> > Tomcat 8.5.4 starts up without error.
> >
> > Each was run in the same environment: OS Name:     Windows 7 SP1
> > JVM Version: 1.8.0_102-b14
> >
> > Sorry for beating this to death.  I had to be sure I wasn't losing
> > my mind. Regards,
> So just to confirm: using the keystore as a trust store doesn't work,
> but only with Tomcat 8.5.5 and later?
> Can you do this to your keystore and post the results?
> $ keytool -list -v -keystore c:\keys\keystore.jsk
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> mL5dd/xHL3fJTitHRzcxIcJYaHNOz/Wx7Cy0LNSVrw5d5sl9XcyA+tEu+0W/Os/m
> CkHfrfLqbcQ77L6eT8rWsRZmsXiLOMb5h6TiJtgvSumhe9uzsjKp1AzOu2oVnDLa
> UOEcX0E9WTkSxjymeI9GFgS9NHJd4yeljscjfJOGdV3yxqjsJleWnuaV4lj10Eg8
> MhPSvog/5YrI7V4+kDCkWTtEyX72zUev9yoxKZ0mrn/LBCjyWLR5BOO4a6Tpn1sg
> QktPJpolo3fGm0rFBENC+hz1G47PbM4FDOfYm6RMlCNP5UoOCkbE0+BUYgtQGBmR
> G5PCS+6w1fKIpK9/Y1Drd3SbWBPrz47/o4RahWIOlipp6qIew4wnCySp1lWtoHeM
> MiNXpMbLISJbVfvx6q3idresuQk51AtWdtzLvCGKIFK25jUBINjrmFhhCn3I2zyq
> a1XtTliDi7cRxaK6ggXbaau9PzUD8YrdhO7kpjx1dK15pvqdvYtacfuaHZSEb7LB
> qQC3i8NHF2AwD2OHkQUKnXaHdT4ynxl3lKf9o5H09xq4oKYZTH4c3X3Pa+a1u7Cz
> f5WTa5c4QsMND+DpYwRFsWiCA1NunjL0D6QtbSTCBdn6kNN7WcPnE3C8PdvZN0YW
> =D+w1
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Correct: Once I set the javax.net.ssl.trustStore system property with the
keystore I used in the server.xml, I get an error on startup and I can no
longer reach https://localhost:8080/ on Tomcat 8.5.5+.  This has worked on
tomcat 5, 6, 7 up to 8.5.4. I've worked with all these version within the
last 4 years.

Here's my keystore listing

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Alias name: tomcat
Creation date: Nov 18, 2016
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=localhost, OU=BBB, O=CO, L=City, ST=B, C=C
Issuer: CN=localhost, OU=BBB, O=CO, L=City, ST=B, C=C
Serial number: 1e6b3c7f
Valid from: Fri Nov 18 09:51:21 PST 2016 until: Mon Nov 13 09:51:21 PST 2017
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  8B:17:26:6C:BE:A0:A1:96:F9:72:11:4C:75:C3:74:39
         SHA1: FC:A2:F9:0C:96:8E:8F:7C:6E:32:99:E9:A2:E2:DC:36:42:4F:A1:DC
         Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
         Version: 3
#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: BF D4 C6 24 AA 1E 65 43   8F 06 82 FA 3E F8 10 37  ...$..eC....>..7
0010: E0 36 7A C5                                        .6z.



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