i looked at the logs but there are no strange things,
traffic as usual, no errors despite this one:
[Wed Nov 30 17:10:13.375912 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid 12870:tid
139906329666752] AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting,
consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers setting

any idea what to do next?


2016-11-30 17:36 GMT+01:00 Jaaz Portal <jaazpor...@gmail.com>:

> hi,
> they has tried again with success despite setting connection_timeout and
> limiting number of clients by mod_bw
> the tomcat has frozen again.
> netstat does not showed any connections on port 80 but plenty of
> connections from apache to localhost:8009
> so it was not an attack that you has described (no slowlaris)
> im looking into debug files of mod_jk and forensic for some hints. If you
> want i can share them (they have 4mb compressed)
> best wishes
> artur
> 2016-11-29 11:01 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:
>> On 28.11.2016 22:04, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>> hi Andre,
>>> you are wrong. This vulnerability is not only causing memory leaks, it
>>> makes also apache workers to hang
>> Maybe for the last time here :
>> - what do you call "apache workers" ?
>> , making it easy to exhaust the pool.
>> - what do you call "the pool" ?
>> what i have in my log files. But it is true also that such exhaustion can
>>> be made by other forms of dos attacks described in this thread.
>>> regarding you suggestion on our application, it does not dos bind server
>>> nether does not scan for various vulnerabilities in apache, what i have
>>> also in the logs
>> For your information : I run about 25 Internet-facing Apache webservers
>> (some with a back-end tomcat, some not).
>> On every single one of those webservers, there are *hundreds* of such
>> "scans" every day, as shown by the Apache access logs.  That is just a fact
>> of life on the Internet.
>> They are annoying, but most of them are harmless (from an "attack" point
>> of view), because they are scanning for things that we do not run
>> (phpmyadmin, xmlrpc, vti_bin, etc., etc., the list is almost endless), and
>> thus are responded to by Apache as "404 Not found".
>> What is annoying with those scans, is
>> a) that they fill the logfile, and thus make it more difficult to find
>> really significant things
>> b) that each of those requires some bandwidth and system resource, if
>> only to return a "404 Not found" (or a "401 Unauthorised"), and that we pay
>> for that bandwidth and resources.
>> If I could find a way to charge 0.1 cent per access to my servers, from
>> the people who wrote or run the programs who are doing this, I could retire
>> in luxury.
>> But they are not a real problem, because they are caught as "invalid" by
>> Apache, and rejected quickly, so they cannot do anything really nasty
>> (except if they were sending several thousand such requests per second to
>> one of my servers for a long time).
>> The ones that are worrying, are the ones
>> - a) which do /not/ end up as a "404 Not found", because they have found
>> an application which responds, and they are not coming from our legitimate
>> customers
>> - b) /the ones which we do not see/, because they either do not send a
>> valid HTTP request, or they have found a way to trigger one of our
>> applications, in such a way that the application misbehaves and, perhaps,
>> even if they do not crash our servers, they may provide the attacker with
>> some entry point to do other things which we do not know and do not control
>> What I am trying to say here, is /do not jump to premature conclusions/.
>> Such "scans" as you mention, happen to everyone, all the time, from
>> ever-changing IP addresses located all over the world. Some of those
>> "scans" may come from the infected PC of your grandmother, and she does not
>> even know about it.
>> There is no guarantee, and no indication or proof so far, that /these/
>> scans are even related to "the other thing" which happens on your
>> webserver, which looked much more focused.
>> So do not just bundle them together as being the same thing, until you
>> have some real data that shows for example that these different things all
>> come from the same IP addresses.
>> And one more thing, also finally until you come back with some real data
>> : I am not saying that your application "scans your server".  What I am
>> saying is that, maybe, by chance or by design, the attackers have found a
>> URL which goes to your application, and which causes your application to
>> keep tomcat and/or Apache busy for a long time.
>> And that maybe /that/ is the problem you should be looking for, and not
>> some hypothetical bug in Apache httpd or tomcat.
>>> kindly regards,
>>> artur
>>> 2016-11-28 21:33 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:
>>> On 28.11.2016 20:34, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>>> hi mark,
>>>>> yes, i understand now what slowloris attack is.
>>>>> maybe it was this maybe *this one based on * * mod_proxy denial of
>>>>> service *
>>>>> CVE-2014-0117 <http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/
>>>>> cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0117>
>>>> You keep on saying this, but the description of that vulnerability of
>>>> *Apache httpd*, and the symptoms which you described, *do not match*.
>>>> You described the problem as ocurring in Apache tomcat, which in your
>>>> case
>>>> is sitting as a back-end, *behind* Apache httpd. And restarting tomcat
>>>> cured the problem.
>>>> The CVE above applies to Apache httpd, and describes how an attacker
>>>> could
>>>> attack Apache httpd and cause *its children* processes to crash (the
>>>> children processes of Apache httpd), by leading them to consume a lot of
>>>> memory and crash with an out-of-memory error.
>>>> Granted, the problem occurred in the mod_proxy module of Apache httpd;
>>>> but
>>>> it was httpd which crashed, not tomcat.
>>>> And tomcat processes are not "Apache httpd children processes" in any
>>>> understanding of the term.
>>>> As far as I remember, you never mentioned Apache httpd crashing. You
>>>> mentioned "the pool" getting full or satured or something like that,
>>>> without ever describing properly what you meant by "the pool".
>>>> As far as I am concerned, according to all the relatively unspecific
>>>> information which you have previously provided :
>>>> 1) the attack - if that is what it is/was - is definitely NOT related to
>>>> the CVE which you have repeatedly mentioned
>>>> 2) it is apparently not a "classical" DoS or "slowloris DoS" directed at
>>>> your front-end Apache. Instead, it seems that the requests are properly
>>>> received by Apache, properly decoded by Apache, and then whatever Apache
>>>> proxy module you are using (mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) is
>>>> properly forwarding these requests to a back-end tomcat; and it is at
>>>> the
>>>> level of that back-end tomcat that the requests never seem to end, and
>>>> in
>>>> the end paralyse your tomcat server (and later on maybe your Apache
>>>> httpd
>>>> server too, because it is also waiting for tomcat to respond).
>>>> So your very way of describing the problem, in terms of "first we used
>>>> this proxy module, and then they exploited the vulnerability so and so;
>>>> then we changed the proxy module, and they exploited that too; etc.."
>>>> seems to not have anything to do with the problem per se, and (I
>>>> believe)
>>>> confuses everyone, including yourself.
>>>> It is not that "they" exploited different vulnerabilities of various
>>>> httpd
>>>> proxy modules, one after the other. Each of these proxy modules was
>>>> doing
>>>> its job properly, and forwarding valid HTTP requests properly to tomcat.
>>>> When you changed from one proxy module to another, you did not really
>>>> change anything in that respect, because any proxy module would do the
>>>> same.
>>>> But in all cases, what did not change, was the tomcat behind the
>>>> front-end, and the application running on that tomcat.  So the presumed
>>>> attackers did not have to change anything, they just kept on sending the
>>>> same requests, because they were really targeting your back-end tomcat
>>>> or
>>>> the tomcat application in it, no matter /how/ you were forwarding
>>>> requests
>>>> from Apache httpd to tomcat.
>>>> So either it is tomcat itself, which has a problem with some request
>>>> URLs
>>>> which do not bother Apache httpd (possible, but statistically
>>>> unlikely), or
>>>> it is the application which runs in tomcat that has such a problem
>>>> (statistically, much more likely).
>>>> we do not know yet
>>>>> we have setup more logging and are waiting for them to attack once
>>>>> again
>>>> Yes, that is the right thing to do.  Before deciding what the problem
>>>> may
>>>> be, and what you can do about it, the first thing you need is *data*.
>>>> You
>>>> need to know
>>>> - which request URL(s?) cause that problem
>>>> - which IPs these requests come from (always the same ? multiple IPs
>>>> that
>>>> change all the time ? how many ? can these IPs be valid/expected
>>>> clients or
>>>> not ? do these IPs look like some "coordinated group" ?)
>>>> - how many such requests there may be during some period of time (10,
>>>> 100,
>>>> 1000, more ?)
>>>> - if these URLs result in passing the request to tomcat
>>>> - what tomcat application (if any) they are directed to
>>>> - if so, when that application receives such a request, what is it
>>>> supposed to do ? does it do it properly ? how long does it need, to
>>>> respond
>>>> to such a request ?
>>>> You also need to ask yourself a question : is the application which you
>>>> run inside tomcat something that you designed yourself (and which
>>>> hackers
>>>> are unlikely to know well-enough to find such a URL which paralyses your
>>>> server) ? or is it some well-known third-party java application which
>>>> you
>>>> are running (and for which would-be attackers would be much more likely
>>>> to
>>>> know exactly such a bug) ?
>>>> anyway, thank you for all informations, it was very useful and
>>>>> educational
>>>>> reading for all of us
>>>>> best wishes,
>>>>> artur
>>>>> 2016-11-28 19:46 GMT+01:00 Mark Eggers <its_toas...@yahoo.com.invalid
>>>>> >:
>>>>> Jaaz,
>>>>>> On 11/27/2016 2:46 PM, André Warnier (tomcat) wrote:
>>>>>> On 27.11.2016 19:03, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>>>>>> 2016-11-27 18:30 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:
>>>>>>>> On 27.11.2016 14:26, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>> everything i know so far is just this single log line that
>>>>>>>>>> appeared
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> apache error.log
>>>>>>>>>> [Fri Nov 25 13:08:00.647835 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid
>>>>>>>>>> 13385:tid
>>>>>>>>>> 1397934896385
>>>>>>>>>> 92] AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider
>>>>>>>>>> raising
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> MaxR
>>>>>>>>>> equestWorkers setting
>>>>>>>>>> there was nothing else, just this strange line
>>>>>>>>>> This is not a "strange" line. It is telling you something.
>>>>>>>>> One problem is that you seem convinced in advance, without serious
>>>>>>>>> proof,
>>>>>>>>> that there is a "bug" or a vulnerability in httpd or tomcat.
>>>>>>>>> Read the explanation of the httpd parameter, here :
>>>>>>>>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mpm_common.html#maxrequ
>>>>>>>>> estworkers
>>>>>>>>> and try to understand it.
>>>>>>>>> I understand it very well. We are serving no more that 500 clients
>>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>>> day
>>>>>>>> so there was no other option that some kind of attack.
>>>>>>>> About the "bug" or "vulnerability" : a webserver is supposed to
>>>>>>>> serve
>>>>>>>> HTTP
>>>>>>>> requests from clients.  That is what you expect of it. It has no
>>>>>>>>> choice but
>>>>>>>>> to accept any client connection and request, up to the maximum it
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> handle considering its configuration and the capacity of the
>>>>>>>>> system on
>>>>>>>>> which it runs. That is not a bug, it is a feature.
>>>>>>>>> We have some weeks ago come under attack from some Polish group. It
>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>> first bind that was DoS'ed, we was running on stable Debian so i
>>>>>>>> updated
>>>>>>>> bind to latest version. It did not helped. They has dos'ed it so we
>>>>>>>> switched to other dns provider. That has helped.
>>>>>>>> Then they exploited some well know vulnerability in mod_proxy. We
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> updated apache to the latest but again they has exploited it, so we
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> switched to mod_jk. And then guess what. They exploited it too so i
>>>>>>>> decided
>>>>>>>> to write to this list looking for help before trying jetty.
>>>>>>>> The normal Apache httpd access log, will log a request only when it
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> finished.  If the request never finishes, it will not get logged.
>>>>>>>>> That may be why you do not see these requests in the log.
>>>>>>>>> But have a look at this Apache httpd module :
>>>>>>>>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_log_forensic.html
>>>>>>>>> ok, thanks, will take care
>>>>>>>> Note : that is also why I was telling you to enable the mod_jk log,
>>>>>>>> and to
>>>>>>>> examine it.
>>>>>>>>> Because mod_jk will also log information before the request
>>>>>>>>> produces a
>>>>>>>>> response.
>>>>>>>>> and server hanged.
>>>>>>>>> Again, /what/ is "hanged" ? Apache httpd, or tomcat ?
>>>>>>>>> Apache was accepting connection but not processed it. After
>>>>>>>> restart of
>>>>>>>> tomcat server it worked again.
>>>>>>>> Also in
>>>>>>>>> access logs there are no clues that it was under any heavy load.
>>>>>>>>>> after around hour after discovering that our server hanged-out we
>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>> restarted tomcat server
>>>>>>>>>> and it worked again
>>>>>>>>>> Yes, because that will close all connections between Apache httpd
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> tomcat, and abort all requests that are in the process of being
>>>>>>>>> processed
>>>>>>>>> by tomcat. So mod_jk will get an error from tomcat, and will
>>>>>>>>> report an
>>>>>>>>> error to httpd, and httpd will communicate that error to the
>>>>>>>>> clients,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> close their connection.
>>>>>>>>> It still does not tell you what the problem was.
>>>>>>>>> The only thing that it suggests, is that the "bad" requests
>>>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>> it all the way to tomcat.
>>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>> i will enable logs that you has pointed out and we will look what i
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> catch
>>>>>>>> however i think we have only one chance, as if the solution we has
>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>> out (connection_timeout + mod_bn)
>>>>>>>> will work they will stop exploiting it
>>>>>>>> thank you very much for all the help and explanations
>>>>>>>> i will report to the list new facts once they will attack us again
>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>> artur
>>>>>>>> Ok, but also read this e.g. :
>>>>>>> https://www.corero.com/blog/695-going-after-the-people-
>>>>>>> behind-ddos-attacks.html
>>>>>>> Attempts to bring down a site by DoS attacks is a crime, in most
>>>>>>> places..
>>>>>>> You can report it, while at the same time trying to defend yourself
>>>>>>> against it.
>>>>>>> It is also relatively easy, and quite inexpensive in terms of system
>>>>>>> resources, to run a small shell script which takes a list every few
>>>>>>> seconds of the connections to the port of your webserver, and which
>>>>>>> IPs
>>>>>>> they are coming *from*.
>>>>>>> E.g.
>>>>>>> First try the netstat command, to see what it lists, like :
>>>>>>> # netstat -n --tcp | more
>>>>>>> Then you will want to filter this a bit, to only consider established
>>>>>>> connections to your webserver, for example :
>>>>>>> # netstat -n --tcp | grep ":80" | grep "ESTABLISHED"
>>>>>>> Then you will want to send this to a logfile, regularly, like this :
>>>>>>> # date >> some_file.log
>>>>>>> # netstat -n --tcp | grep ":80" | grep "ESTABLISHED" >> some_file.log
>>>>>>> (repeat every 3 seconds)
>>>>>>> This will not generate GB of logfiles, and it will tell you, when the
>>>>>>> problem happens, how many connections there are exactly to your
>>>>>>> webserver, and where they are coming from.
>>>>>>> Then later you can further analyse this information..
>>>>>>>> i think that setting connection-timeout and limiting the number of
>>>>>>>>> clients
>>>>>>>>>> by mod_bd i will
>>>>>>>>>> have effect that next time somebody will try this exploit it will
>>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>> access to the site
>>>>>>>>>> for minute or two, pretty good holistic solution i would say
>>>>>>>>>> still, it seems that there is serious vulnerability somewhere in
>>>>>>>>>> apache,
>>>>>>>>>> mod_jk or tomcat
>>>>>>>>>> i would like to help find it out but need some hints which debug
>>>>>>>>>> options
>>>>>>>>>> enable to catch the bad guys
>>>>>>>>>> when they will try next time
>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> artur
>>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-27 13:58 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com
>>>>>>>>>> >:
>>>>>>>>>> On 27.11.2016 13:23, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> hi Andre,
>>>>>>>>>>> thank you very much this was very educative but in my case it is
>>>>>>>>>>>> little
>>>>>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>>>>>> different.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The server is no flooded, there is maybe dozen of very
>>>>>>>>>>>> sophisticated
>>>>>>>>>>>> connections that somehow hangs apache workers threads
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you be a bit more specific ?
>>>>>>>>>>> When you say "apache workers threads", do you mean threads in
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>>>>>>> httpd, or threads in Apache Tomcat ? (both are Apache webservers,
>>>>>>>>>>> so it
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> difficult to tell what you are talking about, unless you are very
>>>>>>>>>>> precise).
>>>>>>>>>>> Let me give you some additional explanations, and maybe you can
>>>>>>>>>>> figure
>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>> exactly where it "hangs".
>>>>>>>>>>>     From the Apache httpd front-end point of view, mod_jk (the
>>>>>>>>>>> connector to
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache Tomcat) is basically one among other "response
>>>>>>>>>>> generators".
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>>>>>>> httpd does not "know" that behind mod_jk, there is one or more
>>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>> servers.  Apache httpd receives the original client request, and
>>>>>>>>>>> depending
>>>>>>>>>>> on the URL of the request, it will pass it to mod_jk or to
>>>>>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>>>>>> response
>>>>>>>>>>> generator, to generate the response to the request.
>>>>>>>>>>> That mod_jk in the background is using a Tomcat server to
>>>>>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>>>> generate the response, is none of the business of Apache httpd,
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>> does
>>>>>>>> not care. All it cares about, is to actually receive the response
>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>> mod_jk, and pass it back to the client.
>>>>>>>>>>> If httpd passes a request to mod_jk, it is because you have
>>>>>>>>>>> specified in
>>>>>>>>>>> the Apache configuration, the type of URL that it should pass to
>>>>>>>>>>> mod_jk..
>>>>>>>>>>> That happens via your "JkMount (URL pattern)" directives in
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>>>>>>> httpd.
>>>>>>>>>>> Of course Apache httpd will not pass a request to mod_jk, before
>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>> received at least the URL of the request, and analysed it to
>>>>>>>>>>> determine
>>>>>> *if*
>>>>>>>> it should pass it to mod_jk (*).
>>>>>>>>>>> If the mod_jk logging is enabled, you can see in it, exactly
>>>>>>>>>>> *which*
>>>>>>>>>>> requests are passed to mod_jk and to Tomcat.
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you know *which* requests, from which clients, cause this
>>>>>>>>>>> "thread
>>>>>>>>>>> hanging" symptom ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Once you would know this, maybe you can design a strategy to
>>>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>>>>>>> specifically these requests.
>>>>>>>>>>> and the effect is permanent. Quickly the pool is exhausted
>>>>>>>>>>>> which pool exactly ?
>>>>>>>>>>> and the only
>>>>>>>>>>> solution that works is to restart tomcat.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it is a bug similar to this one from mod_proxy:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/viewAlert.x?alertId=
>>>>>>>>>>>> 34971
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe, maybe not. As long as we do not know what the requests
>>>>>>>>>>>> are,
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> block things, we do not know this.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think also that your solution with setting connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>> solve
>>>>>>>>>>> the problem, at least partially. THANK YOU.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Same thing, we do not know this yet.  It was only giving this
>>>>>>>>>>> explanation,
>>>>>>>>>>> to help you think about where the problem may be.
>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to help you further investigate this issue, as our
>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>> comes under such attack once or twice in a week.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Other than giving you hints, there is not much I or anyone else
>>>>>>>>>>>> can do
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> help. You are the one with control of your servers and logfiles,
>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> have to investigate and provide more precise information.
>>>>>>>>>>> (*) actually, to be precise, Apache httpd passes *all* requests
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> mod_jk,
>>>>>>>>>>> to ask it "if it wants that request". mod_jk then accepts or
>>>>>>>>>>> declines,
>>>>>> depending on the JkMount instructions. If mod_jk declines, then
>>>>>>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>> httpd will ask the next response generator if it wants this request,
>>>>>>>> etc...
>>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> artur
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-27 12:46 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <
>>>>>>>>>>>> a...@ice-sa.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a look that the indicated parameters in the two pages
>>>>>>>>>>>>> below..
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may be the target of such a variant of DDoS attack : many
>>>>>>>>>>>>> clients
>>>>>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a TCP connection to your server (front-end), but then never
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sends
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP
>>>>>>>>>>>>> request on that connection.  In the meantime, the server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepts
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>> TCP
>>>>>>>> connection, and passes it on to a "child" process or thread for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing.  The child then waits for the HTTP request line to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the connection (during a certain time), but it never arrives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> while, this triggers a timeout (see below), but the standard
>>>>>>>>>>>>> value of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> timeout may be such that in the meantime, a lot of other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connections
>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> been established by other such nefarious clients, so a lot of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the webserver are tied up, waiting for something that will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>>>>>>>> come..
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since there is never any real request sent on the connection,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (probably) not see this in the logs either.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The above is the basic mechanism of such an attack.  There may
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> variations, such as the client not "not sending" a request
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>> sending it extremely slowly, thus achieving perhaps similar kinds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>> effects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As someone pointed out, it is quite difficult to do something
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the level of the webserver itself, because by the time you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something about it, the resources have already been consumed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> server is probably already overloaded.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are specialised front-end devices and software
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available, to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> detect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and protect against this kind of attack.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You may want to have a look at the following parameters, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> read the caveats (side-effects, interlocking timeouts etc.),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> may do more harm than good.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another thing : the settings below are for Apache Tomcat, which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> case is the back-end. It would of course be much better to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> detect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> eliminate this at the front-end, or even before.  I had a look
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache httpd documentation, and could not find a corresponding
>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But I am sure that it must exist. You may want to post this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>> question
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the Apache httpd user's list for a better response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat configuration settings :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AJP Connector : (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at-8.5-doc/config/ajp.html#
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Standard_Implementations)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The number of milliseconds this Connector will wait, after
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection, for the request URI line to be presented. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AJP protocol connectors is -1 (i.e. infinite).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (You could for example try to set this to 3000 (milliseconds)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lower. That should be more than enough for any legitimate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> client
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the HTTP request line.  Note however that by doing this at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> level, you will probably move the problem to the Apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> httpd/mod_jk
>>>>>> level.  But at least it might confirm that this is the problem
>>>>>>>> that you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seeing.  The mod_jk logfile at the httpd level may give you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hints
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP Connector : (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at-8.5-doc/config/http.html#Standard_Implementation)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The number of milliseconds this Connector will wait, after
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection, for the request URI line to be presented. Use a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicate no (i.e. infinite) timeout. The default value is 60000
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (i.e.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 60
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds) but note that the standard server.xml that ships with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sets
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to 20000 (i.e. 20 seconds). Unless disableUploadTimeout is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> set to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> false, this timeout will also be used when reading the request
>>>>>>>>>>>>> body (if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 26.11.2016 09:57, Jaaz Portal wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry, its mod_jk no jk2, my typo. All at latest versions. We
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> mod proxy too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no flood of the server. Nobody is flooding us, they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific connections after which pool of apache workers is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhausted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and we need to restart tomcat server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is some kind of exploit but do not know how to log it to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obtain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had put a limit on connections per client with hope that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but once again, it is not a flood.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They open several connections that are not dropped by apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disconnect. This way whole pool is quickly exhausted and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>> broken.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i would like to help you to figure details of this attack but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> production server so it is impossible to much debugging
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-11-25 23:44 GMT+01:00 Niranjan Babu Bommu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> niranjan.bo...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can find who is flooding site in apache access.log and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> firewall.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ex to find the IP:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cat /var/log/apache2/access.log |cut -d' ' -f1 |sort |uniq
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -c|sort
>>>>>> -gr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Jaaz Portal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jaazpor...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we are from some weeks struggling with some Polish hackers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringing our server down. After updating apache to latest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>> (2.4.23)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tomcat (8.0.38) available for debian systems we still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today it has stopped to respond again and we needed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process to get it back alive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no too much clues in the logs. The apache error.log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gives
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this line:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Fri Nov 25 13:08:00.647835 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13385:tid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1397934896385
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 92] AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consider
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raising
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MaxR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> equestWorkers setting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems that somehow tomcat, mod-jk2 or even apache is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulnerable to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exploit, as we certainly does not have such traffic that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server otherwise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for now we have increased MaxRequestWorkers and we have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limited
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connections from one client to 5 by mod_bw and limited
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simultaneous connections from one ip by iptables but does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Thanks*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Niranjan*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This sounds like a variant of the slowloris attack.
>>>>>> This type of attack doesn't take a large number of clients or consume
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> large amount of bandwidth.
>>>>>> Basically, the maximum number of connections are made to the server,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> just enough data is sent to each connection in order to not trigger
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> timeout. André has explained this in more detail earlier in the
>>>>>> thread.
>>>>>> Search for "slowloris attack" for more information.
>>>>>> There are several ways of mitigating this type of attack.
>>>>>> As André has mentioned, placing a dedicated device in front of your
>>>>>> systems is often the best way. Lots of benefits (platform neutral, no
>>>>>> stress on your current servers), and some issues (cost, placement /
>>>>>> access may be an issue with hosted solutions).
>>>>>> However, there are Apache HTTPD modules that can help mitigate these
>>>>>> types of attacks. Some of them are:
>>>>>> mod_reqtimeout (should be included by default in your Apache HTRPD
>>>>>> 2.4)
>>>>>> mod_qos (quality of service module)
>>>>>> mod_security (application firewall with lots of security rules)
>>>>>> Do a quick search on "slowloris attack apache httpd 2.4" to get some
>>>>>> ideas.
>>>>>> All of them will probably place additional load on your Apache HTTPD
>>>>>> server, so make sure that the platform is robust enough to manage the
>>>>>> additional load.
>>>>>> There is also a beta version of the mod_security module written as a
>>>>>> servlet filter. It should be possible to build this and configure the
>>>>>> filter in Tomcat's default web.xml ($CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml). I've
>>>>>> not tried this. Also, the code base hasn't seen any activity for 3
>>>>>> years.
>>>>>> Do a quick search on "modsecurity servlet filter" to find out more
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> the servlet filter version of mod_security.
>>>>>> In short, there appear to be some ways to mitigate the attack.
>>>>>> . . . just my two cents
>>>>>> /mde/
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