
The url is: http://somehost/evaluacion/login_formaLogin.action

The problem is that it used to run without problems.

2017-01-11 19:50 GMT-06:00 Tim Watts <t...@cliftonfarm.org>:
> On Wed, 2017-01-11 at 15:49 -0600, fonsin2008 . wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> First, I need to say that I'm new(ignorant) with Tomcat. One of our
>> systems is written with tomcat, but today something went wrong and the
>> following error appears on the webpage:
>> --Estado HTTP 404 - /evaluacion/WEB-INF/pages/login/forma_login.jsp
>> --______________________________
>> --type Informe de estado
>> --mensaje /evaluacion/WEB-INF/pages/login/forma_login.jsp
>> --descripción El recurso requerido no está disponible.
>> --________________________________
>> --Apache Tomcat/6.0.37
>> The file exists on the virtualserver, at
>> home/desarrollo/produccioncbi/virtualhost/cbi_desarrollo/evaluacion/WEB-INF/pages/login
>> And:
>> ls -l
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxxx desarrollo 3744 feb 11  2015 forma_login.jsp
>> the evaluacion.war file lives at
>> /home/desarrollo/produccioncbi/virtualhost/cbi_desarrollo
>> And in /WEB-INF/classes/struts.xm I found:
>> ./WEB-INF/classes/struts.xml:      <result
>> name="forma_login">/WEB-INF/pages/login/forma_login.jsp</result>
>> So, I can't figure out why this error appears. May be I'm missing
>> something obvious. I also googled it, but I only found permission
>> errors and wrong paths.
>> If you need some additional information, feel free to ask.
> What URL was used to produce the error message?
> Since you're unfamiliar with Tomcat, and presumably Servlet based web
> applications, you need to know that /WEB-INF and anything below it is
> inaccessible outside the web app; it's only accessible from within the
> web app.  So if you issued a URL like:
> http://some-host/evaluacion/WEB-INF/pages/login/forma_login.jsp
> You will unsurprisingly get the 404 error.
> If this is the case then your task is to learn more about the specifics
> of your application and what the proper login URL is.  Looks like it's
> built with Struts so you may need to learn about that -- starting with
> what version was used.
> -- Tim.
>> Thank you guys for your time!
>> Jesus Mager
>> [www.h1n1-al.blogspot.com]
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Jesus Mager

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