Dear Martin,

On 21/02/17 13:31, Martin Knoblauch wrote:

  is there a way to find the absolute path of the application root before
the servlet is initialized?

Alternatively: is there a way to defer the initialization of a datasource
until the servlet is initialized?

Background: I have extended "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
to automatically set credentials so that they are not stored in the
"Catalina/localhost/XXX.xml" file. Instead they are taken from encrypted
values in a file below the application root. Works fine if I know that path
at "createDataSource" time.

In order to avoid hard coding that path, I need a programmatic to find that
value. Unfortunately the datasource is initialized before the servlet, so
"getRealPath()" is not working yet.

Environment is Tomcat 8 plus JDK 8. Plus an commercial application that I
do not want to name :-)

Thanks in advance
For this purpose I use the ant properties interpolation on tomcat configuration xml-files

It may be you requirements needs a more elaborated solution, but this a convenient way to do it.


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