I'm currently running a somewhat simple CXF/REST/Spring app in TomEE 7.0.1.  It 
uses the CXF libraries in WEB-INF/lib, not in the container.  It uses a couple 
of Environment strings, and some DataSource resources, all of which it gets 
from JNDI.

I'm considering moving this app from TomEE to Tomcat, because as far as I can 
see, I don't need anything that TomEE provides over Tomcat, and I'm also 
running into classloader conflicts now that I've added more code using CXF 
pieces that I haven't used before.  I'm pursuing those issues with the TomEE 
team (ok, Romain), as I'd like to get these issues resolved now that I've run 
into them, but I have to consider alternative strategies if it's going to take 
too long to get them resolved.

If I attempt to port this to Tomcat, I'm guessing all of the required changes 
will be in "conf".  It appears that in TomEE, I define DataSource Resources in 
"tomee.xml" and environment strings (and other things) in "Context.xml", but in 
Tomcat I define all of those in "Context.xml".  I assume that's correct?

I also need to understand if there are any syntax differences between the 
"Resource" entries I define in "tomee.xml" and the similar ones I define in 
"Context.xml" in Tomcat.

For instance, in my DataSource Resources in TomEE, I set the "type" to 
"DataSource", although I see in the Tomcat example it uses 
"javax.sql.DataSource".  Will both of these work in Tomcat?  In my current app, 
I also define the other DataSource properties in the "body" of the "Resource" 
element, like "key = value", one on each line.  In the Tomcat example, they are 
set as traditional XML attributes.  I would also guess that both of these 
strategies would work in Tomcat, correct?

I also have to determine what the required "JNDI prefix" is for Tomcat.  
Presently, in my TomEE app, I don't need a prefix for the environment entries, 
but I need to prefix my datasource JNDI names with "openejb:Resource/".  What 
will I need to prefix my JNDI references with in Tomcat?

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