Solved/Worked-around !! (Although there might be a better way)
Many Thanks to Mark and Christopher!

As Mark indicated the solution is very simple, but what worked on my system is 
slightly, but critically different than what works on Mark's.

Mark's solution/system:
cd webapps/ROOT
mkdir .well-known

I have multiple virtual hosts with multiple apps but what I think would work on 
mine (extrapolated from below) is
cd webapps
mkdir .well-known
In other words /ROOT and /.well-known are at the same level under webapps/

Here is what appears to work for me:

With virtual hosts create the directories for each host you want to secure  
~/webapps/hosteddomain.tld/.well-known and 
replacing /hosteddomain.tld with the appropriate domain name. 

If you have multiple apps for multiple hosts your directory structure should 
follow this pattern.

Why it is not obvious to me: I expected all urls to be routed with the same 
rules, but that is not what happens. Hidden directories are routed differently 
(on my system). 
In my earlier example where I had 
1- the stats                 directory was routed to: contextPath= ,            
2- the .well-known    directory was routed to: contextPath=/.well-known, 
In directory terms I expected
/stats/index.html                                         to map to: 
/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.html        to map to: 
What I get is
/stats/index.html                                         maps to: 
/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.html        maps to: 

Caveate: So far I have now successfully created and verified a test 
certificate. (Huge step forward)
I will add or clarify any info on this thread after I have real certificates 
for multiple domains with multiple apps.

Mark: Could very well be caused by some configuration issue, I am no expert at 
Tomcat. Having said that it has been reliably running multiple domains, with 
multiple apps for months to years ( depending on the domain & app). It is 
complex, one site is heavy Perl/cgi, another is multiple apps under one domain, 
some are crawlers, some are content servers. CATALINA_HOME & CATALINA_BASE are 
separate directories ....

Christopher: Would love to hear your talk & meet, but I won't be at the 
conference. Thanks for the invitation. We absolutely need a certbot-auto for 
There a lots of problem reports on the web for getting the certificate request 
verified under Tomcat. 
The main solution is to put Apache httpd in front of Tomcat so the url gets 
routed to the right directory. So I think you will be seeing this issue again.

All: I'm good with the proposed solution/work-around. I can move forward with 
this. If you want to investigate further let me know what specific information 
you need from me. 
If it is "everything" we will need a more private way to share.

Some Config Info:

the mydomain.tld/ROOT/META-INF/context.xml file has one active line

Exerpts from server.xml file ( has multiple virtual domains)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" 
SSLEngine="on" />
  <!--ITB Removed on upgrade, not using JSP, Initialize Jasper prior to webapps 
are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
  <!-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs-->
className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" />
className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" />
className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener" />

 <Service name="Catalina">
    <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" 
redirectPort="8443" />
  <Host name="localhost" appBase="/usr/share/www/" 
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" >
        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" 
directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access." suffix=".log" pattern="combined" />
 <Host name='www.mydomain.tld'   appBase='/usr/share/www/mydomain.tld'   
unpackWARs='true' autoDeploy='true'>
                <Valve className='org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve' 
prefix='mydomain.tld/access_' suffix='.log' pattern='combined' />

Many Thanks to Mark and Christopher!

Cheers, ian

      From: Christopher Schultz <>
 To: Tomcat Users List <>; Ian Brown 
 Sent: Monday, May 1, 2017 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: /.well-known Hidden directory url returns 404
Hash: SHA256


On 5/1/17 3:11 PM, Ian Brown wrote:
> I am trying to https/SSL enable my tomcat application server and 
> have a problem when I request verification from the CA.
> Let's Encrypt requires the certificate request to be placed in 
> mydomain.tld/.well-known/acme-challenge/ which they query to check 
> that I control the site.
> Tomcat does not appear to handle hidden directories correctly.
> There as several on-line references to Tomcat being an issue, but I
> have yet to find a Tomcat solution.
I'm doing this in a completely-scripted environment using certbot-auto,
etc. I'm presenting everything at ApacheCon/TomcatCon in two weeks in
Miami if you'd like to join us. After my presentation, the slides, etc.
will be available online.

There is nothing "hidden" about a directory that starts with a period.
It's just an indication to "ls" that the directory entry should not be
shown unless a certain flag is present.

Tomcat is ignorant of that convention, and the "hiddenness" of your
directory is a red herring.

> The hidden directory problem manifest in two ways. 1. If I create a
> site/app with th directory /.well-known/ Tomcat
creates two contexts where there should be one, one for my app and
another for /.well-known (i.e. a sub directory of the app)

What is your application's context-path? If it's anything other than ""
(empty string, for the ROOT web application) then requests to
/.well-known won't be served by your application. Period.

> 2. If I don't create a /.well-known/ directory, but try and do a
urlrewrite from /.well-known/ to say /well-known/ it still sees the
url as trying to access a separte context /.well-known/
> and does not rewrite it as expected.

Note that url-rewrite must be configured within an application -- it
can't be done globally. Basically, if you want to serve responses to a
URL like /.well-known/whatever, then you either need an application with
a context-path of "/.well-known", or you need the ROOT application to
respond to those requests.

> Request-dumper shows ( some lines removed for clarity)
> requestURI=/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.html 
> contextPath=/.well-known serverName=mydomain.tld serverPort=80 
> servletPath=/acme-challenge/test.html status=404
> The above fails if /.well-known/acme-challenge/test.html exists or 
> not since it is looking in the wrong context path.

What context-path did you expect?

> Contrasts with a correctly served (not hidden) page.
> requestURI=/stats/index.html contextPath= 
> header=host=www.mydomain.tld contextPath= 
> serverName=www.mydomain.tld serverPort=80 
> servletPath=/stats/index.html status=200

Those are all being served by the ROOT web application. Why not put your
/.well-known files within the ROOT web application? Or leave them in
/.well-known as above? Please post some more details for what you are
doing in case #1 above where the context-path of the application is
/.well-known. For example, what files are on the disk, and where? Where
is the <Context> defined?

- -chris

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