
I create a sample webapp using servlets and http, which work fine and the
web.xml looks like


Now i want to add few @ServerEndPoint class to use websocket. So i added a
class and added @ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket/chat) on that class.

Now i expected that when i use websocket client and use
ws://localhost:8080/app/websocket/chatto connect it should work but it does
not as i already have a /* filter which redirect request to guiceFilter.

*If i comment the filter it works fine.*


How can i tell tomcat to first consider serverEndPoint url for routing the
request before matching the filter url patterns ?

*NOTE: I cannot just change the filter url pattern to something like
'/non-ws/*' as it will break all existing url that are generated.*

TOMCAT 8.0, Window 7, Java 1.7

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