On 07/06/17 20:25, Piyush Kumar Nayak wrote:
> Mark,
> It may not be important, but just to be clear, I'm not testing on localhost. 
> My JMeter and Tomcat are on different machines, with 1 Gbps NIC interfaces 
> between them.

I'm aware you were using two machines but that doesn't appear to be a
significant factor in the observed differences.

> Can you also please provide some pointers on the following:
> - How did you disable session on your JSP?

Look in the index.jsp for the ROOT web application that ships with
Tomcat for an example. Full details are in the JSP specification.

> - Did you observe anything that suggests that the client is not closing the 
> connections?

Yes. This looks like a JMeter issue. It isn't the first time JMeter has
given strange results under load. I've switched to ab which I have found
to be generally much more reliable for these sorts of tests.

I'm still seeing significant differences in BIO with and without an

I'm still looking for the root cause. I have noticed that without an
executor I see far fewer keep-alive requests than I'd expect. That could
explain the difference, or some of it at least.


> I did not specify the implementation for the HTTP sampler that I configured 
> with JMeter, and it is not set in my jmeter.properties file. So, going by 
> JMeter's documentation, Apache HttpComponents HttpClient 4.x. should be in 
> use.
> Thanks
> Piyush.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Thomas [mailto:ma...@apache.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:27 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Tomcat 8/NIO performance discrepancies
> On 06/06/17 09:10, Piyush Kumar Nayak wrote:
>> Thanks, Mark.
>> Here are some additional details.
> Thanks. These help a lot to make sure we are testing (at least roughly) the 
> same thing.
>> I am using Apache JMeter to inject load. I am using a simple hello-world JSP.
>> The test JMX simulates 100 concurrent user threads with a ramp-up of 5 secs 
>> and uses an HTTP Cookie Manager, that reuses cookies for each user thread.
> I've disabled session in the JSP for my test and used a simpler JSP.
> That should amplify any difference in connector performance.
> I'm also testing on localhost.
>> I have disabled access log in tomcat. All the other server.xml settings are 
>> the default.
>> The BIO with Executor configuration we are using is:
>> <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"
>>         maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="4"/>
>> <Connector port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"
>>                connectionTimeout="20000"
>>                redirectPort="8443" />
> FYI for anyone following along. That is a non-executor config. The connector 
> needs to specify the executor it wants to used.
> I do see odd behaviour with BIO + executor. It locks up very easily. It 
> appears that the client isn't closing the connections. I don't see this 
> problem with BIO but that may be related to how BIO without an executor 
> handles large numbers of connections.
> If I lower the client thread count, the odd behaviour stops and I do see 
> notably higher throughput with BIO + executor. That is unexpected.
> My initial thoughts are maybe a contention issue related to the thread pool. 
> I'm continuing to investigate. I plan to look at performance first and then 
> the locking up.
> Mark
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