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To whom it may concern,

On 6/29/17 1:49 PM, V User wrote:
> Yes, although I admit I'm just learning about all the implications
> of that. It seemed to me that even if the actual transmission/write
> blocks indefinitely, that should be happening "asynchronously" in
> another thread or something and shouldn't stop the Async version of
> sendText from returning since it's supposed to return "before the
> message is transmitted". It looks like I was wrong there though, so
> I'll have to look in to change the connector type.

When the BIO connector is in use, you end up with weird things like
this. I would switch to BIO if you want to use async.

Any reason not to upgrade to Tomcat 8.0/8.5? Many improvements...

- -chris

> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Christopher Schultz < 
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Z, V, etc.,
> On 6/29/17 1:16 PM, V User wrote:
>>>> Hello! I have a question about the RemoteEndpoint.Async
>>>> sendText method. The spec states: "Initiates the asynchronous
>>>> transmission of a text message. This method returns before
>>>> the message is transmitted." To me, this implies that the
>>>> method should return immediately regardless of network status
>>>> (i.e. it should still return immediately even if the socket
>>>> connection has died without closing), but I've observed it
>>>> blocking on writes to a broken connection.
>>>> I'm also dealing with a known issue with timeouts on Tomcat 7
>>>> with a BIO connector 
>>>> (https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56304).
>>>> Looking at the source, the Basic/blocking sendText method
>>>> calls sendPartialString, which uses a Future in the same way
>>>> that the Async sendText method does, and then calls get on
>>>> that Future with the configured timeout, so I'd imagine that
>>>> if the Basic/blocking method has broken timeouts then the
>>>> Async timeouts will be broken as well.
>>>> Am I mis-interpreting the spec by expecting Async sendText
>>>> to return immediately if the socket connection is broken? Is
>>>> this just an extension of the issue with BIO connectors?
>>>> My version information is: Server version: Apache
>>>> Tomcat/7.0.64 Server built:   Aug 19 2015 17:18:06 UTC Server
>>>> number: OS Name:        Linux OS Version:
>>>> 3.13.0-57-generic Architecture:   amd64 JVM Version:
>>>> 1.8.0_131-b11 JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
>>>> Thanks, Z
> Are you in fact using a BIO connector? Because you can't really
> expect non-blocking semantics with an underlying pro-blocking
> connector.
> -chris
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