On 18/07/17 13:29, André Warnier (tomcat) wrote:
> Hi.
> On 18.07.2017 14:09, Jan Hlavatý wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I can't seem to figure out the proper setup for the situation where I
>> have multiple webhosts behind a reverse proxy server being forwarded to
>> Tomcat.
>> There can be only one proxyHost and proxyPort on a Connector but I have
>> multiple Hosts and Aliases.
>> How am I supposed to do that? Make multiple Connectors one per hostname,
>> on different local ports, sharing on Executor to avoid multiplying
>> threads, and have the proxy forward to different ports based on hostname?
> No to all that. All you need is multiple <Host> entries in the tomcat
> server.xml config.
> A single <Connector> (and port) will do for all. <Executor> is optional,
> and indeed relates to optimising the usage of threads.
> Other than that, I don't really know at what level to begin explaining why.
> Let's try this :
> In HTTP 1.1 and above, when a browser sends a request to a server, it
> adds a header line to each request :
> Host: some.server.com
> The receiving HTTP server reads this header, and that is what tells it
> to which of it's "hosts" this request is adressed.
> If you have a front-end reverse proxy, and say 10 virtual hosts, then
> each of these virtual host names is configured in the DNS to resolve to
> the IP address of your proxy.
> So the front-end proxy receives all requests directed to any of these
> hosts.
> It then belongs to the proxy, to forward all these requests to the
> single back-end Tomcat server, and include the original "Host:" header
> in the requests that it proxies so.

Note: Passing on the host header can require explicit configuration. In
the proxy. e.g. for httpd:

ProxyPreserveHost On

> The single Tomcat Connector will receive all these requests, and will
> dispatch them to each individual <Host> in function of that same "Host:"
> header.
> Clear ?

One tip. Don't try and change the context path in the reverse proxy. It
creates all sorts of potential for things to go wrong. In httpd config

ProxyPass /foo http://localhost:8080/foo

is good

ProxyPass /foo http://localhost:8080/bar

is likely to be a lot of work to get working correctly. In the past I
have spent days on-site with one customer getting one application to
work in this configuration because they didn't want to change the
back-end context path.

And finally, if the reverse proxy handles HTTP and HTTPS
and you are proxying to Tomcat over HTTP, use a separate Tomcat
connector for each of the HTTP and HTTPS traffic - it makes correct,
secure configuration a lot simpler.


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