Jetty also makes it very easy to scan jar for @WebServlet, @WebFilter,
@WebListener via AnnotationConfiguration.

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 12:53 AM, Brian Toal <> wrote:

> The chain [1] left of with:
> "The relevant language is in section 8.2.1
> <quote>
> If a framework wants its META-INF/web-fragment.xml honored in such a way
> that it augments a web application's web.xml, the framework must be bundled
> within the web application's WEB-INF/lib directory
> </quote>
> Therefore, Tomcat 8.0 looks to be doing the right thing."
> Which I think is fine for the case where the container is augmenting a
> existing web.xml.
> However the spec also says "If a framework is packaged as a jar file and
> has metadata information in the form of deployment descriptor then the
> web-fragment.xml descriptor must be in the META-INF/ directory of the jar
> file."
> I'm not interested in augmenting a existing web.xml, nor my embedded app
> is using WEB-INF/lib, which seems not to meet the eligibility critieria for
> adding the jar to WEB-INF/lib , tomcat should honor
> META-INF/web-fragment.xml in jars in the absence of web.xml, to determine
> if the Servlet 3.0 annotations are going to be scanned.  This is the
> problem I'm having after fixing the classloading issues in [2].
> Thoughts?
> [1] -
> [2] -

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