2017-10-04 17:53 GMT+03:00 Aquatic Safaris Diver <di...@aquaticsafaris.com>:
> I've read the migration manuals and have tried to make the changes to
> my configuration to work correctly in tomcat v8.5, but it's not.  I'm
> not an experton XML files and JDK so please help me.   I'm sure this is crazy 
> simple
> for you experts.
> The server.xml conf file is OK between the two versions.   But my
> application's deployment is having problems.
> In my tomcat v7 conf/Catalina/localhost directory, I have ed.xml file
> for my application containing:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
> <Context docBase="/home/httpd/ed" path="/ed">

"path" cannot be used here, ignored

docBase is rare to be seen here, but OK (it is outside of webapps)

> <Parameter name="login" value="xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx"/>
> <Parameter name="key_string" value="XxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxx"/>
> <Loader className="org.apache.catalina.loader.VirtualWebappLoader"
> virtualClasspath="/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-api-client-1.22.0.jar;/usr/local/calendar/google-api-services-calendar-v3-rev230-1.22.0.jar;/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-http-client-1.22.0.jar;/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-http-client-jackson2-1.22.0.jar;/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-oauth-client-1.22.0.jar;/usr/local/calendar/libs/jackson-core-2.1.3.jar"/>
> </Context>
> After spending about 6 hours and reading tons of other web posts from
> others trying to do the same thing, I finally have
> something working, kinda.  My web application at least deploys when
> tomcat starts.  The Loader part in the .xml was replaced with:
> <Resources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot">
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
>            base="/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-api-client-1.22.0.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
> base="/usr/local/calendar/google-api-services-calendar-v3-rev230-1.22.0.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
>            base="/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-http-client-1.22.0.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
> base="/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-http-client-jackson2-1.22.0.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
>            base="/usr/local/calendar/libs/google-oauth-client-1.22.0.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
>         <PostResources 
> className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.JarResourceSet"
>            base="/usr/local/calendar/libs/jackson-core-2.1.3.jar" 
> webAppMount="/WEB-INF/lib" internalPath="/."/>
> </Resources>

I'd use org.apache.catalina.webresources.FileResourceSet.  There is an
example in "Ordering" section here:

The docs could be better.

> However, when I access the JSP page that need to resolve classes in these 
> .jar's, I get
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
> An error occurred at line: [20] in the generated java file: 
> [/work/Catalina/localhost/ed/org/apache/jsp/charters_jsp.java]
> Only a type can be imported. com.google.api.client.json.JsonFactory resolves 
> to a package
> Line 20 is:
> import com.google.api.client.json.JsonFactory;

It is odd.

In my experience I faced
but it is quite different from your case.

isPackage(className) check mentioned there tries to load (className +
".class") as a resource and reports "true, it is a package" if the
class resource is not found.

> I think I'm up to 12 hours messing with this and reading everything I can get 
> my hands on.
> Something that was so simple in tomcat 7 has turned out to be a nightmare in 
> tomcat 8.
> I still don't have a good understanding of what webAppMount is or what I 
> should set it to.
> I changed PostResources to JarResources and nothing changed.   The jar files 
> are not getting found
> or the classes in the jar files are not getting found.
> There is no way this can be this hard and complicated in tomcat 8.
> Please help.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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