On 05/10/17 18:52, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
> This just keeps getting weirder.
> Late yesterday afternoon, I did a lengthy "stare-and-compare" between
> what SSLInfo returned for the two different Tomcat servers, and I
> couldn't find any differences. But then, I got called away from this on
> something that kept me in the office until after 7 PM.
> Finally getting back to it, I looked at the "connector ciphers" on the
> Tomcat 8 manager (there isn't one on the Tomcat 7 manager), and saw that
> only 16 of the 36 ciphers that SSLInfo starred as "default" are actually
> enabled in Tomcat.

It might help to think of it like this:

There are the ciphers that a JVM supports.
The JVM only enables sub-set of the supported ciphers are enabled by
Tomcat with a default configuration only uses a sub-set of the ciphers
that the JVM enables by default.

This is a little dated but might help:

> Then, using what Mr. Schultz told me about reading cipher names, I
> compared what actually *does* come up in the Tomcat 8 manager with the
> DSPSYSVAL on the AS/400. And I found that if
> is the same as
> then maybe we DO have a common cipher, at least in theory (unless
> "ECDHE" makes it otherwise).

ECDHE makes them different.

> Unfortunately, I can't run the local box's Tomcat server through
> SSLLabs, because it's on a nonstandard port number, and Tomcat 7 doesn't
> have a "connector ciphers" button on the manager main page.
> The cloud box is a Google Compute Engine instance. Is it possible that
> Google is somehow vetoing the handshake?

It looks like you have an incompatible set of ciphers configured.

As per Chris's previous email, it looks like RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA is the
least worse option. The Java name for this is:


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