It should also be noted that if  I bounce one of the larger instances.
Everyone suffers during the time to startup.  The connection counts raise
in the same way although I am not sure at this time if there is an actual
outage experienced by anyone.  I will have to do some testing to determine

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 2:16 PM, TurboChargedDad . <>

>  >> So now all you have to do is upgrade to Tomcat 8.0 or, even better,
> >>Tomcat 8.5 :)
>   That's the plan but it's kind of like pulling teeth.
> >>Can you expand on the "weirdness"? I see you have some more details
> >>below but I think you could be more specific.
> Let's say that there are 12 users on a given system all running a tomcat
> server that has SSL terminated on the same host. user01 user02 user03 and
> son on all the way to user12.  Each user has their own /home/userNN
> directory.  Each user has their own own environment file in /etc/sysconfig/
> '/etc/sysconfig/tomcat7@userNN .  In each of those files contains the
> various settings that are required for each user.  CATALINA_HOME Java path,
> PID etc. Each user starts it's own JVM in a work directory in their home
> directory.
>  Now imagine that user10's application starts to experience a database
> issue and the app stops responding..  It used to be true that everyone
> would stop responding because the AJP connectors were BIO.  Then the HTTP
> connections would stack up across the board.  The stacking of the HTTP
> connections was expected given the situation.  Eventually the reverse proxy
> servers would die from running out of memory if were didn't get the outage
> under control quickly enough.
>   Now that we switched that we have had 2 outages.  In both cases the only
> tenants impacted from a performance perspective were the tenants
> experiencing the failures.  No other alarms were detected during these
> outages for any other tenants.  Something odd does happen however.  The
> Apache HTTP connections rise for everyone along with the offending site.
> Please see the shared graph.
>   This is caclulated by doing a netstat and grepping for EST then httpd
> then the AJP port that would have connections passed back to it. ( sudo
> -tt > /bin/netstat -ntp | grep EST | grep httpd | grep ':8125' | wc -l )
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 5529/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29638/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 28592/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 5529/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29640/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 20267/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29577/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 25280/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29577/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29633/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29631/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 28799/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29637/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29575/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 8354/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29574/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29631/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 29574/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 20266/httpd
> tcp        0      0   
>   ESTABLISHED 28799/httpd
>   It is the example above that determines the connection counts for each
> tenant.
> I cannot for the life of me understand how or why this is happening.. The
> only rise in connections should be detected in the offending application?
> Right?
> I can't say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the AJP connector threads
> aren't being wonky.  I am having trouble getting JMX to tell me that
> information through zabbix.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks in advance.
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Christopher Schultz <
>> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Big Papa,
>> On 11/29/17 12:06 AM, TurboChargedDad . wrote:
>> > So.. Thank you for those help me understand the NIO vs BIO in
>> > tomcat 7..
>> So now all you have to do is upgrade to Tomcat 8.0 or, even better,
>> Tomcat 8.5 :)
>> > I made those changes things have improved quite a bit.  I am still
>> > experiencing some weirdness that I have tried to understand but
>> > can't get a handle on it.
>> Can you expand on the "weirdness"? I see you have some more details
>> below but I think you could be more specific.
>> > Quick overview.. --Proxies-- Apache Proxies (2) - The end user
>> > terminates SSL at the proxy/edge The proxies use HTTPS/SSL to
>> > reverse proxy back to the tomcat server. --/Proxies--
>> >
>> > PXY1 & 2 configs for prefork mode. <IfModule prefork.c>
>> > StartServers 30 MinSpareServers 15 MaxSpareServers 30 ServerLimit
>> > 400 MaxClients 400 MaxRequestsPerChild 4000 </IfModule>
>> If you want high performance, you have to abandon the prefork model
>> and move to event. Some modules (e.g. mod_php IIRC) don't work
>> properly with the event model. Think about using your lb with PHP
>> running on another server as Jim Riggs suggests[1]. You may get better
>> performance, stability, and fault-tolerance.
>> > --Tomcat server-- (1) Apache terminates SSL over the top of Tomcat
>> > on the same server. Reverse proxies to the tomcat server using NIO
>> > AJP connectors. --/Tomcat server--
>> Above you say that you are using HTTPS/SSL to connect httpd -> Tomcat.
>> If you are using AJP then this is not true. So which is it? Are you
>> using HTTP or AJP as your protocol?
>> > Tomcat apache prefork mode config: <IfModule prefork.c>
>> > StartServers       8 MinSpareServers    5 MaxSpareServers   20
>> > ServerLimit      800 MaxClients       800 MaxRequestsPerChild
>> > 4000 </IfModule>
>> What does "Tomcat apache prefork mode" mean? The above is an httpd
>> configuration, not a Tomcat one.
>> > Typical vhost config for a given tenant would look like this..
>> > <someuser.conf> <VirtualHost
>> > <>> ServerAdmin
>> > <> ServerName
>> > <> ProxyPass /
>> > ajp://localhost:8126/ retry=3
>> Okay, now you are using AJP. I think there's definitely some confusion
>> here as to what is being configured with what.
>> > Typical tomcat connector thread config : <Connector port="8126"
>> > protocol="org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpNioProtocol"
>> > redirectPort="8443" maxThreads="300" />
>> If this is the only <Connector> in Tomcat, then you are 100% using AJP
>> and not HTTP as your protocol.
>> Using NIO is the best practice here IMO.
>> > We are operating a multi-tenant environment.  As of right now, we
>> > have somewhere around 20 tomcat instances on a large machine of
>> > which only a handful are "busy".
>> Good.
>> > It used to be that when any one of them experienced a blocking
>> > issue. Every one of them went down.  All of their AJP connector
>> > threads would rise until the system because tomcat was
>> > unresponsive.
>> That would be a capacity-planning problem with the httpd proxies. You
>> probably didn't do your math correctly.
>> > So far that appears for the most part to be addressed...
>> Good. Maybe your math is better but it may still be wrong.
>> > However...  When an issue is experienced.  The site(s)
>> > experiencing the issue(s) going down doesn't seem to bring down any
>> > of the other sites. (w00t! w00t!)
>> Good.
>> > But the httpd connections for each site all still climb together.
>> That shouldn't happen (of course!).
>> > (Please see attached graph) Again no outage is experienced buy as
>> > demonstrated by the graph attached to this message.
>> Attachments are stripped. Either post your graph elsewhere or describe
>> it in words.
>> > That graph is from zabbix using a custom metric that checks every
>> > 3 mins..  It does the following for each virtual host / tomcat
>> > instances
>> >
>> > For user25 : UserParameter=somewebsite.constats,sudo -tt
>> > /bin/netstat -ntp | grep EST | grep httpd | grep ':8125' | wc -l
>> > UserParameter=somewebsite2.constats,sudo -tt /bin/netstat -ntp |
>> > grep EST | grep httpd | grep ':8126' | wc -l
>> >
>> > So there is virtually no way they can be getting mixed up.  Not to
>> > mention that there are a few that do not experience a rise in
>> > connections.
>> So the "Weirdness" is that your AJP connection count on the httpd
>> proxy instances increases across all web servers (or all workers?).
>> What does mod_proxy's status page say for *each worker*? THAT'S what
>> you need to compare, not just the total number of connections/threads
>> on the proxy.
>> - -chris
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