Now that 8.5.24 is released with new support for runtime SNI/SSLHostConfig
changes (thank you Mark!) I am trying to access the AbstractEndpoint from
our application to call these 2 new methods:

    public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig, boolean

    public SSLHostConfig removeSslHostConfig(String hostName)

We have an instance of the Tomcat class from which we can do
getConnector(), and that Connector can provide us with the
ProtocolHandler.  With ProtocolHandler we could safely cast to
AbstractProtocol but from there the getEndpoint method is protected.

Is there a supported way to access the AbstractEndpoint via public methods
if I only have the Tomcat/Connector instances available?

Or maybe this is possible to do with JMX?  If so I would need access to the
AbstractEndpoint directly so I can pass it my SSLHostConfig objects.


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