Hello folks,
I'm new to this list, and to Tomcat as well.
I was trying to get Jenkins and Tomcat running on the same VM that I have (with 
CentOS 7), but I'm struggling with a small issue.
Since I already had Jenkins running on port number 8080, I decided to change 
Tomcat to listen to 8090 by editing /etc/tomcat/server.xml, in the following 
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

And the change:
<Connector port="8090" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />

I soon as I started, I got "BindException: permission denied" exception on the 
catalina log file. If I stop Jenkins daemon and change it back to 8080, it 
works as expected.
I even tried to put port number "17777", but results were the same. I checked 
out ports in use with netstat, firewall configuration... I got nothing.
Since I was able to change Jenkins to run on 8090, I'm clueless what is 
happening over there. It seems CentOS is happy letting applications to bind to 
8080 and 8090, so I'm quite curious why things are not working with Tomcat...

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