On 08/01/18 19:34, john.e.gr...@wellsfargo.com.INVALID wrote:
> All,
> I'm using Tomcat 7.0.82 and java 1.8.0_152.
> I cannot get Tomcat to accept elliptic curve ciphers.  I've written a small 
> SSL socket server that uses the same certificate as the server and deployed 
> it on the same machine using the same JDK.  It accepts EC ciphers just fine 
> so I don't think there is anything in the JDK that has disabled them, etc.  
> With verbose SSL enabled, Tomcat, however, complains about 
> "http-bio-7114-exec-4, handling exception: 
> javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common."
> If I omit the "ciphers" property of the connector, I get this:
> No available cipher suite for TLSv1
> No available cipher suite for TLSv1.1
> No available cipher suite for TLSv1.2
> If I set ciphers="ALL,"  I'm back to "no cipher suites in common."
> If I explicitly tell Tomcat to accept TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, 
> which works with my socket server, I get "No appropriate protocol (protocol 
> is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)."
> BTW I have an RSA cert on the server with a 2048-bit key and signed using 
> SHA256withRSA.
> One of the connector configs I've tried.
>     <Connector port="7114"
>         protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>         SSLEnabled="true"
>         maxThreads="400"
>         maxKeepAliveRequests="100"
>         keepAliveTimeout="10000"
>         scheme="https"
>         secure="true"
>         clientAuth="true"
>         sessionCacheSize="5"
>         sslProtocol="TLS"
>         keystoreFile="/path/to/keystore"
>         keystorePass="${keystore.password}"
>         keyAlias="test"
>         truststoreFile="/path/to/cacerts"
>         truststorePass="${truststore.password}"
>         allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation="false"
>         />

Try getting it to work without client authentication to start with.

I don't see anything that jumps out as wrong in the above.


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