Hi Chris,

in order to conclude on this thread could you please answer my final
question now that I understood what the source of the problem is?

So, is there is a way to have connections between apache and tomcat closed
when aborted?

I've found recovery_options 4 for ajp workers which closes the connection
to tomcat if an error when writing back the answer to the client is
detected but not sure if such a behaviour can be configured for READ.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:45 AM, Emanuel Hategan <emanuel.hate...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> > Forget about EOFException, that was my mistake in the first email
>> > (and subject). I'm interested in improved handling of aborted
>> > connections (at least most of them). That's my end goal.
>> >
>> > read=-1 solely does not provide sufficient information to be able
>> > to distinguish between malformed request bodies and actual aborted
>> > connections.
>> How is Tomcat supposed to determine the difference?
>> > That's why the ServletInputStream#readLine API says: Returns: an
>> > integer specifying the actual number of bytes read, or -1 if the
>> > end of the stream is reached Throws: IOException - if an input or
>> > output exception has occurred
>> End-of-stream is not an exceptional condition.
>> > I understand that detecting aborted connections is not always
>> > possible because of the missed handshakes but given that apache2
>> > and tomcat are most likely in the same local network and assuming
>> > the protocol closes sockets properly, as long as apache2 detects it
>> > tomcat should also.
>> You are talking about AJP, which does not close connections between
>> the reverse proxy (httpd) and Tomcat. So... what event are you looking
>> for that Tomcat can use to signal an error?
> You're spot on for the source of confusion. I thought AJP does close the
> connection between the reverse proxy and tomcat based on the apache log
> below (especially line 3 and 6).
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [info]
> ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2773): (directory_service) sending request
> to tomcat failed (unrecoverable), because of client read error (attempt=1)
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> ajp_reset_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (851): (directory_service) resetting
> endpoint with socket 23 (socket shutdown)
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> ajp_abort_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (821): (directory_service) aborting
> endpoint with socket 23
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> jk_shutdown_socket::jk_connect.c (932): About to shutdown socket 23 [
> ->]
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> jk_is_input_event::jk_connect.c (1383): timeout during poll on socket 23 [
> ->] (timeout=100)
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> jk_shutdown_socket::jk_connect.c (1016): Shutdown socket 23 [
> ->] and read 0 lingering bytes in 0 sec.
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> ajp_done::jk_ajp_common.c (3282): recycling connection pool for worker
> directory_service and socket -1
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [debug]
> jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2921): Consumed 0 bytes of remaining request data
> for worker=directory_service
> [Wed Jan 17 14:42:41 2018] [23791:140542260176640] [info]
> jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2984): Aborting connection for
> worker=directory_service
> And also based on the ajp workers documentation which has specific
> recovery_options 4 that closes the connection to tomcat if an error when
> writing back the answer to the client is detected. Yes, this is for write
> not read.
> So, the next question is whether there is a way to have connections
> between apache and tomcat closed when aborted.
>> > I therefore think my expectation for an IOException when trying to
>> > read is justified.
>> >
>> > Do you still think otherwise?
>> I do. It's not really up to Tomcat to verify that the client sent all
>> of the data it intended to send.
> George

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