
I wanted to provide an update on the current thinking for Tomcat events.

1. Tomcat training course

There will be a "Tomcat for system administrators course" in Manchester,
UK probably in early April. Exact dates and venue TBD. I hope to have
that finalised later this week.

2. Apache EU Roadshow 2018

If you haven't seen the announcements (https://s.apache.org/mXF5) this
will be co-located with FOSS Backstage in Berlin, Germany on 13/14 June.
The CFP is now open at http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/
We have a day long track reserved for Apache Tomcat and we'd love to
hear your you. What challenges have you faced in your Tomcat deployment
and how have you solved them? What lessons have you learned that you
think are important to share with the wider Tomcat community. This is
your opportunity to share your experiences. Submit a proposal now!

3. ApacheCon NA 2018

This has also been announced (https://s.apache.org/9Ork) and will be
24-28 September in Montreal, Canada. The CFP is open - follow the link
from http://apachecon.com/acna18/ . Again, we'd love to hear from you so
submit your proposal now!

Given the location and timing of the EU roadshow, the tentative plan for
a day long Tomcat specific in Frankfurt has been put on hold. We'll look
to hold another event somewhere in the EU late summer / early Autumn.


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