On Tue, 2/20/18, Konstantin Kolinko <knst.koli...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Tomcat stopped and Debug can't be done in Eclipse
 To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
 Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 4:10 PM
 2018-02-20 5:04 GMT+03:00 Karen
 Goh <karenwo...@yahoo.com.invalid>:
 > Hi,
 > I am writing to this mailing group again
 because I finally know that Tomcat is the cause of the
 problem(after writing to an expert)
 > and
 thus I hope to sort help for this problem.
 > The tomcat version is
 Apache Tomcat 9.0.4 windows 64.
 > Eclipse Oxygen.
 Project : Maven dynamic MVC web app with Hibernate, JPA and
 > MySQL server 5.7.
 > Whenever, I run debug
 on jsp, after submitting the form, tomcat will just stop and
 Eclipse does not take over the debugging.
 > All the breakpoints
 are there and perspective is showing debug mode, except the
 debug buttons are all grey out though.
 > I do not know how to
 make Tomcat not stopping.
 > Kindly advise if there is a setting I have
 missed out such that the above scenario is happening.
 1. How exactly do you start
 Tomcat in debug mode? What instructions
 documentation are you following?
 2. From log output in your previous thread,
 your command line options
 > Jan 21, 2018
 11:25:58 PM
 org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log INFO:
 Command line argument:
 I think that
 "suspend=y" option is the cause of the behaviour
 that you
 are seeing.
 IIRC, with that option Java stops and waits for
 a debugger just after
 JVM launch. I think
 that in Eclipse you can look into "threads"
 find a running (stopped)
 "main" thread there and hit a green button to
 resume it.
Hi Konstantin,

Can you point me some useful resources where I can learn about setting the 
Tomcat launch configuration.

Currently, I have the below inside my arguments :


Is this the part that is causing Tomcat to just hang ? Or I have missed out 
something I am not aware of.  Kindly highlight please.

Cos I can't proceed with any debugging at all as in run the green button : 
Please see this attachment at https://imgur.com/OQLyJFb

Is there any other changes I need to make since I am also using a maven plug in 
as below :


It used to be very easy for me to do debugging and now things are so much 
complicated now.

 Best regards,
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