On 3/29/2018 10:00 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> I don't bother with any of that garbage. I use Tomcat's Manager
> application and the JMXProxyServlet. It's an HTTP-to-JMX bridge, so
> your client just has to speak HTTP.

I'm not sure that the manager application is active on our install.  The
load balancer doesn't mention it, and I haven't seen it in the
Apache/AJP config either.  I think that in order for it to be enabled
and NOT be a potential security risk, access to it would need to be
strictly controlled.  I tried accessing /manager paths in various ways
(even direct to tomcat, bypassing haproxy and apache) and none of those
requests worked.  I didn't find any immediate evidence that it's enabled
under another context path either.  But I am the first to admit that I
am not very familiar with configuring Tomcat!

> You may also run into ClassLoader problems where BasicDataSource (as
> loaded by your ClassLoader) != BasicDataSource (as instantiated by
> Tomcat).

Are these problems mitigated by my usage of the fully qualified class
name in the object declaration and the cast?  That part of the code
actually came from one of our developers ... I probably would have
imported the class and used the bare class name.  Maybe I should use
getCanonicalName instead of getName on the DataSource object.  When I
can finally run the code for the first time, I'll have a better idea of
whether I need to make any changes.

> Have a look. It will probably be (slightly) more efficient than the
> code you wrote, and hey, you'll have less code to babysit. It also
> gives you trivial "shutdown" semantics...

I will do my own searching later, but do you happen to know of some good
documentation that covers the basics of implementing ExecutorService?

> ServletContextListener is the way to go. In fact, you should
> probably be using a ServletContextListener to *launch* this thread in
> the first place. So, in your init() method, create+launch the thread
> (or ExecutorService), and in the destroy() method, shut it all down.

You may have noticed the new reply where I included a paste for new
code, using ServletContextListener.  It's now *complete* code, instead
of a fragment.


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