On 9 April 2018 23:29:43 BST, Amit Pande <amit.pa...@veritas.com> wrote:
>Some more debugging here and I got some stuff working here.
>Only one question:
>It is not really clear from the documentation of "clientAuth"
>"Set to true if you want the SSL stack to require a valid certificate
>chain from the client before accepting a connection. Set to want if you
>want the SSL stack to request a client Certificate, but not fail if one
>isn't presented. A false value (which is the default) will not require
>a certificate chain unless the client requests a resource protected by
>a security constraint that uses CLIENT-CERT authentication. See the SSL
>HowTo for an example. That SSL HowTo also contains tips on using
>per-user or per-session certificate-based clientAuth."
>So, if I am using a clientAuth="false" and relying on "CLIENT-CERT"
>configuration, does that mean browsers won't prompt users to supply the
>certificate when a protected resource is accessed?

In that scenario the browser will prompt the user for a certificate if 
everything is correctly configured.

However, it is possible that the browser will determine that it has no matching 
certificates and therefore decide not to display the certificate prompt.


>Is it because in case of "CLIENT-CERT", the client is always expected
>to supply a certificate?  If yes, is there any recommended practice to
>configure browser for this? Or application needs to take care of
>supplying one when accessing such a protected resource?
>Appreciate your inputs.
>On 4/8/18, 6:44 PM, "Amit Pande" <amit.pa...@veritas.com> wrote:
>I am trying to setup Tomcat (8.5.28) and the web-app correctly in order
>to get the mutual authentication (using client certificates) done but
>only for some recourses and not all.
>For instance, I have a “authenticate” API for which I want to enable
>the client certificate authentication.  So, I want only a
>“/authenticate” URL to ask for a client certificate from the browser.
>I want to first validate if this client certificate is issued by a
>trusted CA. If yes, accept the request and invoke the “/authenticate”
>business logic which further validates the certificate/user against our
>own user database.
>Looking at Tomcat documentation “clientAuth=want” in server.xml seemed
>a potential option but the issue with that is when this results in
>asking for user certificate for all the URLs being invoked from the
>Browser (unless we tell Browser to remember the decision). Also, this
>approach results in renegotiation for every request.
>This is when I came across, “CLIENT-CERT” alternate, which can be
>configured only for certain URL (e.g. “/authenticate” in my case).
>However, I am not able to get it configured as expected. I issued a
>client certificate and imported in browser but still unable to get the
>browser pop-up which asks for the certificate to be sent. Debugging SSL
>level did not yield much.
>This is the link that closely matches the requirement and I saw Chris’
>input there. However,
>    “Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
>        allRolesMode="authOnly"
>        resourceName="UserDatabase" />
>    “
>    In server.xml
>    And
>    <security-constraint>
>      <web-resource-collection>
>        <web-resource-name>My Secure Area</web-resource-name>
>        <url-pattern>/authenticate</url-pattern>
>      </web-resource-collection>
>      <user-data-constraint>
>        <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
>      </user-data-constraint>
>      <auth-constraint>
>          <role-name>*</role-name>
>      </auth-constraint>
>    </security-constraint>
>    In my web app’s web.xml.
>When I access the URL from browser, I expected to see a dialog asking
>for client-certificate and then a successful invocation of the
>“/authenticate”. However, from browser, I don’t get a pop-up and I get
>a HTTP 401 with below message.
>    Message Cannot authenticate with the provided credentials
>Description The request has not been applied because it lacks valid
>authentication credentials for the target resource.
>    Appreciate your help on this.
>    Thanks,
>    Amit
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