I have several small websites/virtual hosts in Apache.
For each virtual host I want to map the root folder "/" to its own webapp in
Tomcat using mod_jk.
The Tomcat documentation describe this using virtual host on both sides Apache 
Tomcat, this is a setup that is well documented.
However, in order to simplify configuration and maintenance, I would like to 
Tomcat to only one host with several contexts.

In order to achieve this, I combined mod_rewrite with mod_jk and a custom
mod_ext_filter using sed.

- mod_rewrite : to map "/" to the path of the destination webapp, let's say
- mod_jk : to transfer the processing to the Tomcat
- mod_ext_filter + sed : in order to parse and replace the links in the HTML

As this seems to be quite complicated for such a common task, is there another 
to achieve this ?
By the way, this does not handle eventual redirects.


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