Hi Chris,

How r u planning to use Log4j (or log4j2, which solves a lot of performance
issues for 1.2.x)?

Are you bridging with SLF4J or or using directly?

All log4j configuration are automatically discovered and configured
provided that you have set up your appplication log4j properties file

Tomcat doesn't do anything specific to log4j-related setup. There is a
logging properties file in /conf/ which are for JULI logging, as a bare
minimum OOB setup for catalina.

If you can perhaps clarify your use case, others can advise better.


On 18 May 2018 at 14:49, Cheltenham, Chris <ccheltenham-...@philasd.org>

> Hello,
> How do I configure Tomcat 8.5.x to use log4j?
> Is there a good document to follow?
> I am not very familiar with java but it looks like you configure to logs
> to accept java logging for Tomcat.
> ===========================
> Thank You;
> Chris Cheltenham
> Technology Services
> The School District of Philadelphia
> Work # 215-400-5025
> Cell # 215-301-6571

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