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On 8/15/18 7:58 AM, Louis Zipes wrote:
> One correction.  I meant to say that I'm using 8.5 (put my zero in 
> the wrong place)

Glad you are upgrading. 8.5.x is mature enough at this point that
there should be a remediation for any incompatibility you may find
with previous versions of Tomcat.

Moving to 9.0 may require some changes to the application because of
stricter-adherence to various standards and the desire of the Tomcat
team to finally move-on from backward-compatible hacks, etc. for those

I would recommend that as soon as you get your application running
properly under Tomcat 8.5.x you immediately begin testing it with
Tomcat 9.0.x in order to future-proof said application. Any changes
you make to fix issues with Tomcat 9.0.x /should/ be equally valid in
Tomcat 8.5.x, but you'll also be ready for another upgrade in a year
or so (or whatever your "major container upgrade" schedule turns out
to be).

FWIW, at $work we are only upgrading to 8.5.x starting this fall.

> and yes, looking at the GUI for the Tomcat8w in the 'Start' and 
> 'Stop' tabs it does indeed say JVM and it runs with no 32 bit
> error message like the packaged Tomcat 7.0.54 that came packaged
> with my third party app.
So the switch from "java" -> "jvm" is very likely the only relevant
change, here.

> Thanks again.  There are a lot of articles on Stack Exchange that 
> would benefit from this additional information!
Well, now you are an expert and you can enlighten everybody :)

- -chris

> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz
> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Tuesday, August 14,
> 2018 6:41 PM To: users@tomcat.apache.org Subject: Re: Question
> about setting CATALINA_OPTS when starting Tomcat using a Windows
> Service in Tomcat 7.0.54
> - - - external message, proceed with caution - - -
> Louis,
> On 8/14/18 3:28 PM, Louis Zipes wrote:
>> Hi all, Just wanted to circle back.  There was an early comment 
>> (maybe even in the first response to my question/problem) where 
>> someone mentioned that my set up (Running Tomcat as a Windows 
>> Service and  putting the JMX parameters directly in the 
>> Tomcat7.0.54 GUI in the Java tab) SHOULD work and should startup 
>> and shutdown gracefully  BUT that if it doesn't then try one of
>> the of the later versions of Tomcat.
>> I did finally get a chance to try Tomcat 8.0.5X and it does seem
>> to work with no other configuration changes.  I can access JMX 
>> (JConsole) and start and shut down the Windows Service running 
>> Tomcat with no issues.   Although, now my problem is that my
>> third party application, that is running  doesn't work,  but that
>> is not a problem for this mailing list.
>> So I think we can say that in the end the upgrade to a higher 
>> version resolved the issue.   Thank you to all that contributed 
>> input!
> It's very possible that, if you used the service-installer, it
> simply created a new service that uses the "jvm" launch-strategy.
> I'd be interested to see if that's the case.
> Before you spend a lot of time tracking-down the application 
> incompatabilities with 8.0.x, you might want to upgrade to 9.0.x
> or 8.5.x and start there. Tomcat 8.0.x has reached EOL so it's
> probably a waste of your time to test against it.
> Hope that helps, -chris
>> -----Original Message----- From: André Warnier (tomcat) 
>> [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2018 12:40 PM
>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org Subject: Re: Question about setting 
>> CATALINA_OPTS when starting Tomcat using a Windows Service in 
>> Tomcat 7.0.54
>> - - - external message, proceed with caution - - -
>> Maybe it is time here to quote Arthur Clarke's 3rd law : "Any 
>> sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
>> magic" (See :
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke%27s_three_laws)
>> The process by which Tomcat is started and/or stopped - 
>> particularly under Windows and as a Service - is not very clear
>> in the on-line documentation. Neither is it it very easy to write
>> a comprehensive and accurate documentation, because the thing
>> has gotten to a point where, for mere mortals, it is really
>> quite complicated. (Have a look at bin/catalina.bat to get an
>> idea).
>> So let me give you some overall pointers (some of them quite
>> basic, I apologise), and maybe in there somewhere, you'll find
>> wat you are missing to complete the picture and do what you want
>> to do.
>> 1) Tomcat is a compiled java application, in java bytecode.  To
>> run this bytecode, you need a JVM. The JVM is machine-executable
>> code, so to run tomcat, you run a JVM and tell it to run the
>> tomcat bytecode. 2) the java JVM for Windows is not very good at
>> running as a Windows Service (it does not handle the appropriate
>> Windows "signals" etc.). To solve this, when you want to run
>> tomcat as a Windows Service (or rather - see above - run the JVM
>> as a Windows Service), you actually run a specialised "wrapper
>> program" which does work well as a Windows Service, and you ask
>> this wrapper to start the JVM which runs tomcat. To make matters
>> a bit more confusing (or maybe, for some, clearer), this generic
>> "Windows Service JVM wrapper" is renamed to "tomcatV.exe" (where
>> V is the tomcat version, so for tomcat 9, the program is called 
>> tomcat9.exe). 3) the wrapper program, when it starts the JVM,
>> has to know which command-line switches it should pass to it.
>> For the Windows Service flavor of tomcat, these parameters are
>> stored in a number of special keys in the Windows Registry, and
>> that is where the wrapper picks them up, before starting the JVM.
>> 4) To make it easier to set and edit these JVM command-line
>> parameters, tomcat provides another Windows executable program -
>> a specialised GUI Registry Editor - which is also renamed
>> according to the tomcat version, as tomcatVw.exe (where V is the
>> tomcat version, so for tomcat 9 it would be tomcat9w.exe).
>> 5) as a separate bit of knowledge, I would suppose that everyone 
>> knows that on any given host, a given TCP listening port can
>> only be opened by one process at a time. If a second process
>> tries to open a port which is already opened by a first process,
>> it will get an error of the kind "port already in use", and most
>> probably the second process will then exit (non-gracefully).
>> 6) in the tomcat conf/server.xml file, there is a tag : <Server 
>> port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"> This provides a clue as to how
>> one actually *stops* tomcat : one opens a TCP connection to
>> locahost port 8005 (on which tomcat listens), then sends the
>> string "SHUTDOWN" on that connection. This causes tomcat to
>> shutdown gracefully, at the end of which it does a
>> "system.exit()" which shuts down the JVM that runs it. And this
>> in turn causes the JVM wrapper program to tell Windows that the
>> tomcat Service is shutting down, before itself exiting. And thus
>> is all well and tidy in the Windows Service world.
>> 7) a helpful feature of tomcat, is that it itself provides code
>> to connect to localhost port 8005 and send that shutdown string,
>> so that one does not have to write its own separate program to
>> do that. The bit that is a bit confusing about this feature
>> however, is that in order to use that code, one of course needs
>> to start up another separate instance of tomcat, just to run that
>> code and actually stop the "real" running tomcat. And of course
>> running a separate instance of tomcat actually means running a
>> separate instance of the JVM which runs tomcat.
>> Now armed with all the above knowledge, and with the dialog
>> window offered by the tomcat9w.exe program, it is relatively easy
>> to figure out what happens (or at least what may happen in your
>> case, in my modest non-java-expert opinion).
>> Looking only at the last 3 tabs of that window (Java / Startup / 
>> Shutdown), one can figure out that : - the "java" tab contains
>> the path of the JVM to be started, and the command-line
>> parameters that will be passed to that JVM - the "Startup" tab
>> contains the java class that the JVM should invoke at the start
>> of tomcat, and the argument ("start") to pass into that initial
>> call. - the "Shutdown" tab contains the java class that the JVM
>> should invoke to stop an already-running tomcat, and the argument
>> ("stop") to pass into that initial call. (Thus triggering the
>> code in (7) above).
>> And I believe that, in the particular case of Tomcat being run as
>> a Windows Service, here may be the origin of the problem which
>> you are encountering : the "Java" tab lists command-line options
>> that are *common* to both the JVM which starts tomcat, and to
>> the (separate) JVM which stops tomcat.  There is only one set of
>> JVM options, for both cases. Which means that if, in these JVM 
>> command-line options, you pass it one that tells the JVM to open 
>> some extra listening port (which you do to enable JMX), then
>> this will happen both when a JVM is started because tomcat is
>> being started, and when a JVM is started because tomcat is being 
>> stopped. And of course the second one will fail, because the
>> first one has already opened that port.
>> (Note that this will happen no matter which level of indirection 
>> you build into the Registry JVM parameters.)
>> Why does that happen only with that JMX port, and not with the 
>> other listening ports that tomcat opens ? Well, that is a
>> question of /when/ these different things happen : the JMX-port
>> command-line parameter "happens" earlier, because it is something
>> that the JVM does, before it evens starts running tomcat
>> bytecode. While the other ports that Tomcat opens, happen in the
>> code of tomcat itself, when it is being run. And that tomcat code
>> is smart enough to know that when it is being run with the
>> argument "stop", then it should not open these other ports
>> mentioned in its configuration file.
>> On the face of it, it seems a bit of an unsolvable issue, unless 
>> the tomcat Service wrapper code is changed, to allow for 2
>> separate sets of JVM parameters (one for start, with the JMX
>> options; and one for stop, without these options). Or unless
>> something is done in the Tomcat code itself, to allow JMX to be
>> started (or not) from within Tomcat (assuming that's even
>> possible).
>> Of course, one could also wonder if you really need JMX when you 
>> run tomcat in production mode.  If this is only for testing, you 
>> could run tomcat in a console, where you would not have the same 
>> issue (because you would not have the wrapper with its 
>> single-minded preset JVM options).
>> (Or you could switch to Linux ;-))
>> On 09.08.2018 02:06, Daniel Savard wrote:
>>> Le mer. 8 août 2018 à 12:08, Louis Zipes <louis.zi...@gmcr.com>
>>> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Calder, I can successfully start up as a Windows service
>>>> and get JMX working BUT my problem is that Service doesn't
>>>> stop cleanly (just repeating that problem in case it wasn't
>>>> made clear).  It says the PORT is already in use which led me
>>>> to try to use Catalina_Opts as per the suggestions on the
>>>> internet.
>>>> Port already in use: 8008; nested exception is: 
>>>> java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
>>>> If you were able to get JMX working and you can start AND
>>>> stop the Tomcat service cleanly, do you mind sharing me your 
>>>> 'scrubbed'  Java tab contents as I can seem to get the right 
>>>> combination to get it to Start and Stop the service.
>>>> Thanks, Louis
>>> Louis,
>>> I believe you need to understand a bit more how things are 
>>> working with Java and the JVM. The -D options are pretty
>>> straight forward for anyone knowing how you define properties
>>> to the JVM on the command line. I already told you everything
>>> you need to know to setup properly your Tomcat. Since you were
>>> the one talking about CATALINA_OPTS I assumed you did know
>>> where and how to setup the variable for your installation.
>>> Otherwise, just go in the setup utility for Tomcat on Windows
>>> and put the 
>>> -Dcom.sun.management.conf.file=${catalina.base}/conf/abc.def 
>>> entry there without the CATALINA_OPTS= stanza since this one's 
>>> intent is to set an environment variable for the process to
>>> pick while the former is passing directly the property to the
>>> JVM from the Tomcat Windows Setup dialog. There is many ways to
>>> do things. Bottom line, you need to tell the JVM where is the
>>> configuration file for JMX and put your properties in there as
>>> any other properties file. This is standard stuff.
>>> The effect is the JVM now knows your port is a JMX port and it 
>>> will stop to try to use it when it is already in use and free
>>> it cleanly.
>>> Regards,
>>> ----------------- Daniel Savard
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