Hi everybody,


I am having an issue where Unicode characters (e.g. Ž and & #105;) are
passed by the Apache Webserver 2.4 to Tomcat as UTF-8 encoded bytes while
Tomcat seems to evaluate them as ISO-8859-15 encoded.


Having taken a network trace with TCPDUMP I see the following bytes for my
header field (truncated the output after byte ‘72’): 

0200   0a 48 54 54 50 5f 56 6f 6f 72 6e 61 61 6d 3a 20   .HTTP_Voornaam: 

0210   4d 61 c5 82 67 6f 72


Here the bytes C582 is the UTF-8 encoded value for the Unicode character


Now when inspecting the header value in Tomcat using:

               String headerValue = request.getHeader("HTTP_Voornaam");


I’m getting the value ‘MaÅ.gor’ which seems to be using the ISO-8859-15
repesentation for the bytes C582. The byte string from the TCPDUMP seems to
match the result of  headerValue.getBytes(Charset.forName("ISO-8859-15"))
and not the result of headerValue.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")).


The FAQ (https://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/CharacterEncoding) indicates
that ‘headers are always in US-ASCII encoding. Anything outside of that
needs to be encoded’, in this case it seems to be UTF-8 encoded.

The headers are evaluated by a servlet 2.5 web application which has defined
a ‘CharacterEncodingFilter’ as first filter performing the following


             response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");


             filterChain.doFilter(request, response);


Is there a way to tell Tomcat to decode the headers as being UTF-8 encoded


I am using Tomcat-version 8.5.32. 


Thanks for your support,



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