I currently have a Flash file which uses the ExternalInterface.call function to 
call some JavaScript functions I have on a JSP page running in Jetspeed 2. When 
I publish the file to an HTML in Flash and just view it on my computer it works 
great, but I have tried making a JSP page out of it and putting it up on my 
server and when I am clicking the buttons that should be calling these 
functions, nothing is happening. I really do not know if it is a Flash problem 
or a Tomcat problem, but I haven't been able to find anything on Flash 
messageboards about it.

------------------------------------------------[ ANSWER 

OK, this is not strictly a proper place, but I can think of no other, so here 

Your question is a bit vague. If I understand correctly, you have one JSP page, 
which could even be a plain HTML, as far as your problem goes. That page embeds 
a Flash, which calls a JavaScript, also present on thet page. This all is a 
client-side stuff, none of it is taking place on the server, right?

If this is the case, no wonder nobody responded :-)

This looks like a HTML problem, take a look at the source of the page and 
figure out what's wrong. From your description, it should be tottaly irrelevant 
whether the page is HTML or JSP (unless that JSP is doing something on the 
server-side, like querying DB). It should also be totally irrelevant if it is 
on your local machine or an the web server - in case of HTML. JSP would require 
JSP engine, like Jetty or Tomcat.

My advice to you is, make it work in pure HTML first, both on your local 
machine and on any web server (to rule out wrong links and similar gotchas). 
Then embody it in a JSP page. If that problem truly requires a JSP.


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