On 10/10/18 23:04, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Mark Thomas [mailto:ma...@apache.org] 
>> Subject: Re: Tomcat Clustering Support
>> Thread A is in the middle of processing a request. It is evaluating some
>> EL which requires access to the view map which in turn causes the
>> ViewMap to update the session.
>> com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewScopeManager.processEvent locks the
>> ViewMap object. It then tries to update the session. To do this it
>> requires the session lock. Thread A is waiting for this lock.
> Assuming the ViewMap is used by multiple sessions, this locking order goes
> against the usual protocol of more local before more global.  Might be
> possible to file a bug report with Mojarra, but given that the code appears
> to be in a com.sun class, that might not get anywhere.
>> Thread B is at the end of a request. The session has been updated and it
>> is attempting to write the updated session attributes to the cluster.
>> The session lock has been obtained. The individual attributes are being
>> written. The code has reached the ViewMap object. In order to write this
>> object, the ViewMap object must be locked. Thread B is waiting for this
>> lock.
> This is the generally the more desirable order.

I think ViewMap is per session but I haven't looked that closely at the

>> Has anyone on the users list come across this problem before? If so, how
>> have you solved it? Suggestions for alternative solutions also welcome.
> Can the thread doing the session synchronization lock the session, get a
> shallow copy of the attributes, unlock the session, then process the
> attributes?  Not sure if that would maintain sufficient coherency.

A variation of that might work but at the possible expense of generating
rather more garbage. The changes to the session are stored in a
DeltaRequest. Currently the sequence is:
- lock session
- serialize DeltaRequest to message
- recycle DeltaRequest
- unlock session
- send message

Change that to:
- lock session
- keep reference to populated DeltaRequest
- provide session with new DeltaRequest object
- unlock session
- serialize populated DeltaRequest to message
- send message

and this deadlock should be resolved. To avoid the expense of creating a
new DeltaRequest each time, a pool of them could be used which should
minimise the garbage.

Looking at the sequence of events, I don't think this does much that is
likely to harm coherence.

If folks think this looks reasonable, I can create a BZ enhancement
request to implement it.


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