Am Dienstag, den 30.10.2018, 15:13 +0000 schrieb Jäkel, Guido:
> I'm pretty sure that this problem is just caused by malformed
> applications that include some XML stuff inside the application that
> MUST NOT include, but have to be provided instead by the platform --
> e.g. as JVM endorsed libs. A common case is that application A
> provide and register some implementation of an API at JVM level and
> application B provide this also, but with another version. Then, one
> of the application will use at runtime another lib as at compile
> time.
> Without parallel start, this might seem to work (or not) in a stable
> way. But with parallel start, you get race conditions.

The whole xml stack used is from the JVM (no custom xerces, xalan etc
added to WEB-INF/lib) - so i don't know where to look for something
which should not be in "my" local libs.

And there is no ClasscastException or LinkageError here - its the
parser itself who does fail:

Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 476;
97; src-resolve: Name 'ehcache:resource-unit' kann nicht als 'type
definition'-Komponente aufgelöst werden.

But i am happy to continue that discussion in the original thread
because i am still interested in getting the root cause because at the
moment parallel startup is disabled because of that error.



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