Hello Tomcat user group,

I hope that this question is valid cos I googled and many related issue like 
this pointed to server problem.

Tomcat version : 8.5.24
IDE : Eclipse Oxygen
OS : Windows 10

Basically, I have created a maven structured web app and after right-click my 
tutorRegister page, and the form submitted, http status 404 appeared.

This is what appeared in my browser :


I have checked my past project and there was no problem in getting the form 
submitted but when I made the project into maven type, I am getting the above 

        <form name="tutorRegister" method="POST" 

Here's my pom.xml ;



        <name>webApp-hi5 Maven Webapp</name>

                <pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid 
using Maven 
                                defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
                                <!-- see 
                <!-- LOG4J for JDBC -->

Hope someone can let me know how if I have missed out anything.


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