Sarah Parrott wrote:
> and put the program I want to run (Mapserver. The file is just called
> mapserv.) in that directory.
> When I go to http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/mapserv I just get a blank page.
> No errors and not what I'm expecting to get. I've tried restarting tomcat,
> and playing about with the URL but I either get an error or the same blank
> page.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

By default, the CGIServlet is going to call "perl mapserv" which I
suspect will fail since I assume mapserv is an executable rather than
a perl script.

Try setting the executable parameter (see the HowTo) to an empty
string. ( I haven't tested this). Alternatively, set it to mapserv and
see if that works.


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